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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What are your personal health directives?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25149points) March 11th, 2021

Mine are to be resuscitated. Untill all of my ribs are broken and until the teams wrists get carpel tunnels l from administration of cpr, and then continue until the reaper comes to claim me. Kicking and screaming into the next world.

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22 Answers

janbb's avatar

They’re “personal” for a reason!

KNOWITALL's avatar

Let’s just say I won’t be living on a vent nor do I want extraordinary measures taken. If it’s my time, I’m good with that.

idktimmyturner's avatar

I’m unsure at the moment.

LuckyGuy's avatar

If brain dead with no hope of recovery, harvest any organs that might be useful.

If unconscious and on a ventilator with no dsign of improvement after 30 days.please shut it off and end treatment.

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KNOWITALL's avatar

@LuckyGuy Oh yeah, organ donor here, too.

zenvelo's avatar

Notorious RDG, you won’t be kicking and screaming, you will flatline into a vegetative state.

My kids know, no heroic measures, if no brain activity save on the electricity bill and unplug everything. No thinking I would ever be a coma chameleon.

filmfann's avatar

I have seen some of my loved ones linger awaiting a certain death, and I dont see the humanity in it.

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Darth_Algar's avatar

If they’re performing CPR you won’t be kicking and screaming. You will, biologically speaking, already be dead. The point of CPR is to try to revive you to life. There’s a short window of no more than a few minutes in which this is actually possible.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Darth_Algar Just a figure of speech.

gondwanalon's avatar

My worst nightmare is to have my body kept alive when my brain is dead.
Do not resuscitate.
No IV’s. No feeding tubes.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

To stay alive until I am dead.

KRD's avatar

What SQUEEKY2 said.^

elbanditoroso's avatar

@gondwanalon if your brain is dead, what do you care about your body? You won’t know.

gondwanalon's avatar

@elbanditoroso I don’t want to end up like Terry Schiavo who was kept alive in a vegetative state just to please others. So sick. I also want to be cremated so that my bones don’t dug up and put on display anytime in the future. Also I don’t want anyone keeping my ashes. That’s creepy.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

My ultimate dream would be able to retire before I am dead.

gondwanalon's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Good dream.
I retired 6 years ago. Best 6 years of my life. During the last 5 years that I was working there were several people (over 10) that were about my age I knew and or worked with that died. They each worked their entire life and then died from various cancers. That help to push me to retire. I didn’t want to be like them and work until I drop dead.

idktimmyturner's avatar

I’ve taken a long thought about this and I think

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anniereborn's avatar

I never knew “life support” could just mean a medication being given on an IV drip. Sadly you learn things when it’s too late.

janbb's avatar

^^ Too much we don’t learn about health care until it’s too late.

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