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Do you believe Chauvin killed George Floyd?
This question came to mind while I was reading the CNN fact check linked above. The fact check concludes that, although it is true that a man died outside Rep Lauren Boebert’s restaurant, he died because of a drug overdose and not because he was beaten to death.
I remembered seeing something about the presence of fentanyl in George Floyd’s system the night he died. So I did some research on it. I found a good link:
From this article:
The Armed Forces examiner determined that Floyd’s death was “caused by the police subdual and restraint in the setting of severe hypertensive atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, and methamphetamine, and fentanyl intoxication.” In other words, Floyd’s symptoms were exacerbated by the drugs and may have played a role in his death.
The famous “I cannot breathe” can be heard from Floyd’s mouth long before the knee goes on his neck.
So my question is, did Chauvin really kill Floyd?
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