Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

How surprised are you, that OAN, Trump's favourite fake news outlet, aired an anti-Biden documentary made by literal Russian spies?

Asked by ragingloli (52408points) March 17th, 2021
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15 Answers

hello321's avatar

Who cares?

Darth_Algar's avatar


Unfortunately there are millions out there who will take it as gospel.

janbb's avatar

Not at all surprised.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Make America Russian Again

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Yes @Darth_Algar 75 Million right wingers.

The Gospel According to” by Tangerine Makeup man.

Some have graduated fifth grade though

hello321's avatar

@Darth_Algar: “Unfortunately there are millions out there who will take it as gospel.”

I mean – who cares that it’s “Russia”? And why is it so “delicious”?

Our corporate media is the very definition of propaganda. The fact that OANN aired propaganda that was produced or written by Russian propagandists rather than corporate propagandists does not affect the result.

But the whole Russiagate nonsense does produce an additional layer of bs that we all have to deal with. It was propagated to give cover to corporate media. It has also been effective at creating an “other” in a way that allows complete dismissal of any critique of media.

As I’m typing this, we’re getting a taste (“Make America Russian Again”). Not only is this explicitly reactionary – it keeps people from realizing that the call is coming from inside the house.

OANN and Fox, and CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, etc. are corporations that produce completely vile propaganda. We don’t need to stoke nationalism and a new McCarthyism to fight this shit. We don’t fight the right by becoming the right.

And regarding how this can be interpreted as fun or “delicious” – there isn’t a single OANN viewer that would find this information disconcerting or change their mind about anything. The tasty feeling one might get in celebrating this nonsense is the feeling of self-righteousness that one gets when laughing at the hypocrisy of conservatives while having brunch with friends on a Wednesday. And it sucks.

And christ – more “Trump”? He’s gone. Calling him orange over and over isn’t doing shit.

LuckyGuy's avatar

There is a reason he is called “Putin’s Patsy.” This is more proof.

flutherother's avatar

Just a few years ago this would have sent a shock wave through the country, now it is almost expected.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Trump is RED in more than one way !

Nomore_lockout's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Ironic isn’t it? “Patriots” who do the bidding of Moscow, yet live in denial. And the way the Trumpers and Repubs want us to stop talking about Trump, while all you hear from them 24/7 is Obama Hillary Obama Hillary.

stanleybmanly's avatar

He remains to this day Putin’s “useful idiot”.

Pandora's avatar

Not surprised at all. I believe white supremacists are happily in bed with Putin. Putin believes in white supremacy and is a homophobe among other things and they also believe in absolute power. So don’t color me shocked that OAN, which is pretty much the same as fox. Its just another extreme-right station.

mazingerz88's avatar

Hardly surprised. This is vile and treasonous trumpians’ revolution of lies. Because that’s all they have, lies. And fools who know it’s all lies but choose to exist in that sad bubble. Again…that’s all they have.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Not a bit surprised. Putin and his Trumpy lap dogs can’t handle the thrill of (Putins) victory, and the agony of a lawful defeat.

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