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Find a map of Europe?

Asked by Jeruba (56258points) March 17th, 2021

Let’s see if you can find me one, just one, online map of Western Europe that shows countries and cities smaller than capitals and that is an actual viewable map, not a map product, on which I can find, say, Abbeville and Dunkirk and Terneuzen and Namur and Bergen and Utrecht. I want to see Scandinavia and the Low Countries and Deutschland and France and Britain, all of them.

Finding maps is always a huge pain because so few are both legible and detailed. Whenever I read a book with European locations, I want to see where they’re situated and how they relate to one another, to borders, to major geographical features, and so on. It’s remarkably difficult. I typically search and search, of course including Google Maps, and finally just give up.

I’d like to be able to see Eastern Europe too, and all in one would be ideal, but just one would do for starters.

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