Social Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Shouldn't people that are exempt from wearing a face mask have to have a button or armband showing that?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23514points) March 20th, 2021

I was in a store today and a guy came in without a mask, the cashier said he had to have a mask, he sneered back that he was exempt?
Should he not have some sort of ID, weather a button or armband showing the public this?
Or do we just have to take these idiots for their word?

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24 Answers

hello321's avatar

What possible exemption? And why is he allowed in a store without a mask?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Oh SOME people claim they have a medical exemption.^

hello321's avatar

^ Then they should not be allowed in public. Sounds like bs.

Even if there were some kind of medical condition where wearing a mask caused seizures or brain bleeding for some people, then we’d just have to keep those people out of the public until pandemic is over.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

In Edmonton they had business card size expemtion certificates but people where selling them.

It’s creepy to have different classes of citizens.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Hey I totally agree @hello321 but those exemptions still exist .

elbanditoroso's avatar

Do you seriously expect people to be honest?

I can see non-exempt people forging or faking the button or armband.

People are shits.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

People claim they are exempt then I agree order what you want and get curb side pick up, but oh no these idiots think it’s their god given right to frolic in public.

hello321's avatar

If the exemptions exist, then we have a problem without a solution. That’s really f*cked up.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Early this week a boy with an autism mask exemption from a doctor was kicked off plane for not wearing a mask.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I have yet to witness anyone dare to make a claim of “exemption”. But I’m not out there in traffic anymore. Here it is impossible to enter ANY establishment maskless. I never heard of a “medical exemption”. I wonder how or if one can even be acquired here?

JLeslie's avatar


The problem in America is if the entire population had been on board with mask wearing, then people who actually do have a valid reason would not have been a big deal. a small percentage of people not wearing a mask would not have been a big risk, and ask long as they were taking covid seriously also, and distancing, it would have been a non-issue. Unfortunately, we have millions of people refusing to wear masks.

I do wish people who were vaccinated were wearing buttons or stickers. Not forced to wear any sort of button or have ID, I mean totally voluntary. People could lie, but where I live I feel like most people would be honest. We ask each other anyway if we are spending any time talking to each other to gauge whether we need to distance.

canidmajor's avatar

Who is exempt? Really? Vaccinated people can still infect other people, and someone who has any condition that makes them unable to wear a mask is at such a risk for exposure that they shouldn’t be out.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Again I agree, but these exemptions do exist at least here in Canada.^

canidmajor's avatar

They may exist here, too, @SQUEEKY2, I just don’t know who dispenses valid exemptions or why.

JLeslie's avatar

Some people are truly anxiety ridden wearing a mask, or have mild COPD and the mask is difficult for them. My opinion is they could wear a shield. In Japan they wear the clear shields sometimes that are used in food service.

canidmajor's avatar

I get that some people don’t want to, but what is the agency that decides on valid (and by that I mean legal) exemptions?
If they are anxious or have breathing difficulties, they should not be out in a plague ridden environment.

JLeslie's avatar

Anxiety, like feeling claustrophobic from a mask, doesn’t mean they are anxiety ridden about everything. I do think in most instances people can just not go into stores if it’s that difficult for them.

Even Fauci said that if the mask wearing is 90%-95% it’s sufficient. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but everything else needs to be being done also.

Taiwan had 7 deaths this whole time and restaurants were open, which has masks off, so there is ways to prevent the spread while still having situations without masks. The trick was they always from the start kept the infection rate very low.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Maybe because their leader didn’t go around screaming it’s all a hoax just to make him look bad.^

Smashley's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 @JLeslie I’m sure being a small island nation with a national memory of a pandemic had nothing to do with it. And whatever their policy was, people were and are masking heavily.

smudges's avatar

@hello321 And why is he allowed in a store without a mask?

Possibly because the clerk was scared to challenge him – people get killed that way. People have been stabbed, shot, beaten up, etc due to challenging a maskless person. Ex: An 80 year old veteran in Orlando was shoved after confronting a maskless 69 year old. He hit his head and died 4 days later. I know I’m not gonna confront anyone!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Yeah I agree @smudges I would just avoid an idiot that was maskless.
Confrontation leads to trouble most times.

JLeslie's avatar

@Smashley Of course. China isn’t small, but they shut down the first city. That’s what we should have done. NY, Miami, Detroit, no in or out, extremely strict quarantines in the entire country. Let everyone else function with masks. No international flights at all into country except residents coming home and strict quarantine. We never would have had the backlash that we did. We should have done it starting in February. That time has passed.

jca2's avatar

I’ve heard of people having exemptions due to medical or mental issues but the store (at least in the US it’s this way) the store still has the right to refuse entry to anyone without a mask. So if the store employee tells the person they have to leave, then they have to leave. The person might go off on them, but the store employee can and should enforce the rule. If they don’t enforce the rule, others who follow the rule are not going to want to shop there.

As for a card or an armband, I think it will be counterfeited and sold on Amazon and other sites, the same way people have counterfeited and made-up documents about service dogs and therapy animals or whatever they call them. Therapy peacocks on planes and other ludicrous things to where the airlines had to buckle down on what exactly is allowed and what proof is required, because of the people who abused the system.

JLeslie's avatar

Therapy peacocks. Lol. So true.

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