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gondwanalon's avatar

Anyone develop vertigo soon after going to the dentist?

Asked by gondwanalon (23367points) March 20th, 2021

Have you heard about “Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo”, BPPV?

Anyone had to deal with this?

I had deep cleaning (sub gingival curettage) yesterday to cut out diseased gum tissue in 2 quadrants of my mouth. Hygienist talked my deep “pockets” and used a bunch of tools including a powerful vibrating-water spraying tool.

Went home and went for a 9 mile hike to help dissipate to facial numbness. All was well until I got up at 2:30 am to take a wiz and plowed into the wall. I thought that I just got up too fast but couldn’t regain balance. After peeing I went to my knees and then had to lay flat due to waves of nausea overtaking me. Tried to get up but couldn’t. My Apple Watch told me that I was OK (heart rate, blood pressure, and O2). I had no stroke symptoms. So I just laid there until my wife go up and helped me to bed. Stayed in bed a couple hours until I started feeling better. By 1 pm I was feeling good so my wife and I went for a 10 mile hike. No further symptoms.

I’ve never had vertigo symptoms before and I’m the last person to get motivation sickness.

There’s a possibility that my vertigo symptoms are related to the bone vibrating tool used on me yesterday at the dentist office. The thought is that vibration dislodged small amounts of calcification in my middle ear that go into the vestibular canals that mess up balance. Symptoms are said to come and go. See below for more information:

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