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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Does God or Aliens want us to gather gold and other metals and elements?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25194points) March 21st, 2021

For easy pick up in 10,000 years. From 8,000 b

Also would God or Aliens be pissed that we used up most of the hydro-carbons.

Humor welcome.

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7 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

It does not make sense for any advanced alien civilisation to be interested in any terrestrial resource.
You have gravity, possibly hostile atmosphere and temperature, flora, fauna, microbes and viruses, and a recalcitrant, violent, unreliable dominant species as obstacles, and most of the minerals are buried deep inside the planet.

Why would they go to the effort of coaxing the apes into harvesting gold for them, when
1. The apes will only ever scratch the literal surface of the planet, having access to less than a fraction of the gold available.
2. It takes them thousands of years to do so.
3. There being a good chance the apes will wipe themselves out before even that.

They would be far better off to simply harvest any resources they want from asteroids with autonomous robots.
Zero G, no atmosphere, no plants or animals in the way, no need for cracking open a planet to get to most of the resources.

Even just blowing up the planet and then harvesting the resulting asteroid belt would be a better solution.

Even if they were interested in biological resources of Earth, like human meat, it would make far more sense for them to just pick some samples, and use them to cultivate them in mass farming facilities inside O’Neill cylinders, where they could not only ensure that they are obedient at all times through genetic modification, but also control their eating habits, so that they do not spoil the meat harvest through unhealthy dieting.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Who gives a flying garbanzo bean what god thinks about precious metals?

If god had any real power, he would have no need of early things.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

No need of early things??? @elbanditoroso

elbanditoroso's avatar

earthly. (typo)

kritiper's avatar

Nothing could/would care.

Yellowdog's avatar

Truly godlike entities / aliens could probably produce it from quasars, black holes, and neutron stars (gold and platinum)—However, they might make us give it up or slave for it just to be mean, They seem to thrive on suffering, pain, and fear.

Zaku's avatar

The Christian God told people to be shepherds of the earth, not rip it apart for greed and power.

Aliens are each different. My guess is most don’t care. I can imagine some would rather we didn’t, for the same sorts of reasons. Others might be curious why we have done so, and some might be interested to see what we continue to do with it. I doubt any of them especially want us to.

So I am going with NO as an answer to this question.

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