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ragingloli's avatar

What are some of your biggest pet peeves, when it comes to music?

Asked by ragingloli (52359points) March 24th, 2021

I really hate music that just fades out, instead of having a properly constructed ending.
It is just lazy, and makes me instantly think less of the music and its creator.

Can you imagine if Toccata and Fugue just faded out, instead of having its iconic conclusion?

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16 Answers

kritiper's avatar

Country pop.

hello321's avatar

Auto-tune (but this is just because I’m old), mixes that emphasize the vocals over the music, drums that are supposed to really hit but have been mixed into the background, music without dynamics, music that feels as though it was written by a marketing team, country.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Music with words. The best part of most songs is the first five seconds before the words start.

hello321's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1: “Music with words. The best part of most songs is the first five seconds before the words start.”

This! A song should be able to stand on its own if you were to take away the vocals.

janbb's avatar

Songs with lengthy drum solos! Why? Why? Why?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@janbb to give the other members of the band a smoke break ! Wink wink wink.

Demosthenes's avatar

I agree about music that fades out. Endings are crucial in classical music but other genres sometimes ignore them and it’s always a disappointment. I also can’t stand songs that start out great then become boring. I know a song the first minute of which is awesome and promises so much, then it quickly becomes another four-on-the-floor repetitive dance-pop song for the rest of it. Such a letdown.

smudges's avatar

Refrains that repeat endlessly! Even if I love the song, it bugs me, and if I don’t like the song, then the monotonous refrain makes me hate it, e.g., Karma Chameleon ! It’s like, OMG Finish already!! Hey Jude is another one, but I don’t hate it.

KNOWITALL's avatar

My only pet peeve is anything being overplayed, otherwise it’s all very subjective.

@janbb The lengthy drum solo’s are my favorite part of many songs. Ha!

flutherother's avatar

A lot of it seems unoriginal.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@janbb in high school, at a Friday night dance, the other members of the band did that to me, I was the bass player filling in for the drummer. Five minutes later they walk back on stage and I get applause from the audience. Two of them smoked cigarettes, took a smoke break .

Zaku's avatar

My biggest pet peeve is music that seems to insist listeners accept some message that I can’t stand. For example, songs that celebrate some misogynistic ideas.

Some lyrics even tell the listener what to do. For example, there’s a recent one… “Be different, be nice. Just smile, I promise it’ll change your life (Hey)” – Yeah, mind your own face. Please stop trying to tell me what to do with mine, and go away.

I also don’t relate to most songs whose lyrics include hey, hey ho, yeah, oh yeah, ya ya ya, whoa and such as I don’t really relate to that and can’t really imagine singing such lyrics in a way that would be authentic for me.

I find of hate it when music features (let alone obliges) clapping along by the audience.

ragingloli's avatar

With the exception of Stephen Lynch, with whom the audience reaction is essential, I despise live performances. People sing out of tune, the vocals are too quiet, and the mix of the instruments is atrocious.

smudges's avatar

@ragingloli Are you talking about well-known groups like The Stones? or lesser-knowns? I’ve seen a number of ‘rock star’ bands and have never experienced what you have.

JLeslie's avatar

When it’s too loud in a movie or TV show and it hurts my ears or covers up what the actors are saying.

When it has a really long introduction, I’m not sure what that’s called, and doesn’t get to the main beat and rhythm of the son. This would be for pop music more than say a classical piece of music.

When there are sirens in a song. That should be illegal, or at minimum illegal to play of radio waves or satellite for public consumption.

smudges's avatar

@JLeslie When it’s too loud in a movie or TV show and it hurts my ears or covers up what the actors are saying.

Omg yessss!!!

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