General Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

If Donald Trump could "declare an emergency" to build his stupid wall, does Biden have the same latitude to "declare an emergency" and do something about guns?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33648points) March 24th, 2021

Why or why not?

Seems like he should..

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16 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Well he has a start; NRA has declared bankruptcy, I wonder if that is because Putin and the Russians stopped sending them money ? ?

hello321's avatar

“Something”? Like what?

Also, there are far more pressing actual emergencies.

gondwanalon's avatar

Yea! Like what?

Don’t forget there’s something called the second amendment to contend with.

kritiper's avatar

Maybe Biden should check with Harry Potter and see if Harry has an extra magic wand he could lend to Biden. Because that’s what it would take, short of an act of “God.”

Yellowdog's avatar

Uh, actually, no—to all of the above.

Biden’s team controls the House and Senate. There is no reason for Biden to declare a State of Emergency. With this kind of support, who is stopping him from anything?

Trump did that because Congress did not support the border wall, because they would not support Trump. As for Biden, the House and Senate and much of the courts will give him the green light.

The Biden team (the team that controls Biden) has demonstrated that they can eliminate the Pipeline and other energy industries, open the borders, change your vote, overrule anything by executive orders.

There is no need for a State of Emergency. Instead of resolving a problem at the border as Trump did, Biden created one. No House. Senate, or court is opposing Biden.

This includes guns and the second amendment,

JLeslie's avatar

I read Biden is considering signing executive orders to increase gun control.

I think it’s fine if he does. Just increase background checks and do something about automatic weapons. As long as he doesn’t go too far I think Americans will settle down about it all. Enough with the wedge issue on things most Americans agree on. It’s ridiculous.

A friend wrote this today on Facebook:

Once AGAIN, the gun killings issue, short version:
GOP: “Guns are not the problem, Criminals and mentally ill people are the problem.”
Dems: “Okay, let’s require a background check for every gun purchase, so we can prevent the easy purchase of guns by criminals and the mentally ill.”
GOP: “NO!! That would be a denial of our 2nd Amendment rights!”

Pandora's avatar

@Yellowdog Trump was offered 25 billion for the Border wall for a deal for Dreamers. Trump and the GOP rejected it.

Biden can try to declare a state of emergency but the 2 amendment won’t let him go too far.
It’s the GOP wet dream that Dems will take guns away from people. A dream they have been pushing for years to get Republican and Gun owner support. And every time they push this story gun owners only buy more guns. So it helps the gun sellers. Which probably supports Republicans.
And, the amount of immigrants coming in now is actually less than any amount to come in during the last few Presidents. There are seasonal fluctuations of immigrants.
Also on the topic of guns, cars are registered and a drivers license and permit are needed to have something that some people depend on to go to work. It didn’t use to be when cars first came out. No one thought cars were going to be taken away. Permits and licenses is about preventing someone who shouldn’t have a gun from getting one.
There are even drunk drivers who drive illegally yet there were drunk driving laws that were implemented and have reduced the number of drunk driver deaths.

Yes, there will always be illegal buyers. But that’s because of loopholes and the black market for one and careless gun owners who don’t care who has access to their guns. At the very least we should try to make it extremely difficult for those with criminal intent able to buy guns.
And lastly, I know plenty of Dems who are gun owners. Our guns are registered and my husband has a license for our protection. We are not panicking thinking the government is going to swoop in and collect our guns. It’s a GOP fairy tale of the boogie man.

Yellowdog's avatar

Actually, Trump offered to give amnesty to a higher number of Dreamers than the Democrats were even asking, in exchange for border wall funding. The Democrats in congress rejected this offer.

Trump offered limited ‘Dreamer’ protections in exchange for border wall — and Democrats quickly said no

The president backed legislation to give 800,000 immigrants, known as “Dreamers,” temporary legal status and work authorization for three years if their protection gets revoked.

He also supported a three-year extension of the legal status of immigrants temporarily protected from deportation.

Most of what the Democrats / Biden have been proposing include very high taxes on guns and ammo, such as 200% the price of the guns and ammo—for every gun owned. If you don’t pay up, your weapons are illegal and you own firearms illegally and can’t own one.

Other stipulations include magazine sizes and how much ammo a gun can contain. During a home invasion, which typically have 3–4 or more individuals, you may need more than one Barney Fife bullet.

I don’t know much about guns and have never owned one. But I have seen dozens of executive orders signed in this administration, with no dissension taken into consideration. That’s not how our government is supposed to work.

Yellowdog's avatar

And I don’t know where you get this 25 Billion figure you claim was offered. The Border Wall proposal was only 5.7 Billion. In exchange for 5.7 Billion to build the wall AND end the shutdown, which was hurting government workers, 800,000 Dreamers would get amnesty.

See the above link from CNBC

JLeslie's avatar

@Yellowdog Biden wants it done in Congress.

jca2's avatar

Hearing Biden say anything about restrictions on gun ownership makes the gun advocates go into panic mode. That’s what they always cry about with Democrats, “They’re going to take our guns away!”

crazyguy's avatar

All, I tried this anti-gun approach on a previous website I used to frequent. I was quickly chastised and have learnt.

One question that needs to be answered before we go anywhere along this line is:

Which of the last 20 years’ mass shootings would have been prevented by any of the proposed legislation? Keep in mind that in many instances the guns used were procured in spite of a rigorous background check. The one thing no background check can cover is how the person may change over the succeeding years.

As for an assault weapons ban I received an education. What guns exactly would qualify for the ban?

Yellowdog's avatar

@JLeslie Congress has no intention of blocking ANYTHING of Biden. There is no need for executive orders or states of emergency declared.

crazyguy's avatar

@Yellowdog Why block any stupid legislation? Let it fly and let the Democrats take their medicine at the polls!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Maybe @crazyguy but Biden’s approval rating today is one and a half what Trump’s was when he left office. The polls showing just the opposite.

What I’m I missing in your math? ?

Pandora's avatar

@Yellowdog You are wrong. I remember it clearly because I was actually paying attention to what was going on. Trump actually didn’t want a deal for dreamers. A few republicans tried to work out a deal but with so many strings attached that they knew Dems would never go for it.

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