Is there a chance Republicans’ voter restriction bill in the State of Georgia could backfire on them?
Asked by
mazingerz88 (
March 26th, 2021
from iPhone
Giving food or water to people in line is not allowed anymore.
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9 Answers
Have any of their voter suppression techniques backfired on them? No. How could it backfire? huh?
Did anyone say WHY it’s not allowed anymore?
The Republican party ,a party for the working class NOT!!
They’ll be taken to court and lose. This was a stupid law to pass. They could have settled for less and be court-immune, but the greedy Georgia GOP went all out and will lose.
Arrest someone for bringing food and water to someone waiting in line? Ridiculous and illegal. ) I brought my daughter a bottle of water when we were voting last fall. Now they’re going to arrest me for that?
They also overreached on taking power from the secretary of state. He has a constitutional case against that.
What this will do is get a lot of Georgia corporations – Coca Cola, Home Depot, Kimberley Clark, Southern Company, various movie studios, Cox Broadcasting – to put huge pressure on the legislature to roll it back.
One party rule in Georgia is really bad for business and it makes the state look like a backwater.
This won’t stand, long term.
A final thought. Governor Kemp, who signed this bill, was the secretary of state when he was running for governor, and he presided over his own stealing of the vote against Stacey Abrams. He is as corrupt as they come.
The rules make sure that people will have to stand in line for hours, so making it illegal to give them food or water will further reduce the number of voters. I wonder why they didn’t outlaw walkers, wheelchairs and oxygen tanks.
It’s not just Georgia. Most states with Republican legislatures, which is most states, are passing voter suppression laws. And my great fear is that the Supreme Court, which is conservative and which is where these laws will end up, will let them stand on the grounds of states’ rights.
I fear we’ve won the battle but are losing the war for democracy in America.
One other note. Georgia governor Kemp is running for reelection in 2022. This has to be seen as part of his campaign.
It will my pleasure to vote against him.
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