Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

Are "baby carrots" a separate breed of carrots, or are they normal carrots that have been robbed the opportunity to grow to full size?

Asked by ragingloli (52399points) March 28th, 2021

“I know that babies taste best” – Steve Rogers

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7 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

They are aborted carrots.

hello321's avatar

They are normal carrots that are too ugly to sell and have carved down into their tiny, more acceptable appearance.

ragingloli's avatar

So they are Instagram carrots.

smudges's avatar

I’ve read that there are two ways to get them – that full-sized carrots are shaved down, and also that normal carrots are just harvested when they’re little. Personally, I do love them, they seem more tender than full grown ones.

@hello321 Thanks for the link! A few of those recipes look pretty good!

Jeruba's avatar

The ones to watch out for are the ones labeled “baby-cut” carrots. They are thick, stubby, peeled-down sections of full-grown carrots, often relatively hard and tasteless. Actual baby carrots, harvested young, are tapered and tender, with plenty of flavor.

The cut ones will do if you’re cooking them, but for eating raw, look for the actual baby carrots and not the impostors.

elbanditoroso's avatar

What @Hawaii_Jake said.

I guess there is no right-to-life lobby for the carrot world.

rebbel's avatar

Fact: Did you know that carrots didn’t get their color because farmers, who wanted to honor the then (and still) reigning royal family, the Oranges, cultivated them to be orange?

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