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JLeslie's avatar

If you feel relieved Biden is in office, did you also stop watching politics?

Asked by JLeslie (65903points) March 28th, 2021 from iPhone

Watching on television, or even reading the news. Maybe not completely stopped, but have you cut back significantly? How much?

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14 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

YES! and yes I don’t know maybe 50% or more not that interested in US politics since the orange menace left.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Exactly! The relief is not nearly as much about Biden being in office as it is about Trump being out of office and disgraced.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

. . . and Moscow Mitch can’t block legislation going through the US Senate.

kritiper's avatar

I still watch as much news as always.

filmfann's avatar

Usually I pull back a bit from the news after presidential elections. After 45 was elected, I kept watching in fear and outrage. Now, things are normalizing, and I don’t mind skupping through the Sunday Morning news shows.

katiesunrise's avatar

The only reason we were all glued to the news and social media is because we had a maniac for a president who tweeted dozens of times every day.

I am not glued to the news now because we have an adult in the White House who doesn’t govern with his adolescent emotions.

anniereborn's avatar

I probably have cut down by about 95 percent. I just check in once in awhile.

Kardamom's avatar

I’m very relieved that Biden is in office, but I am kind of a news junkie, and like being informed, so I still watch, listen, read, and seek out information, pretty much in the same amount as before.

flutherother's avatar

Trump kept me on edge and I kept checking the news to see what the latest craziness was. Now the adults are back in charge I feel I can put my feet up and relax.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Determined not to share ANY trump crap. I just want to forget the man all together.

gorillapaws's avatar

No, because Biden is setting us up for Trump 2.0. You guys are welcome to go back to brunch, but don’t complain when Trump is reelected in 2024 (or worse). And don’t you dare try to say it doesn’t make any sense, or that you can’t understand how it could happen, or blame Putin, or whatever boogyman the corporate media throws your way.

Here’s what I expect to happen in the next 4 years: Biden will maintain the status quo, and the middle class will continue to erode. The billionaires will further concentrate wealth and power.and the GINI coefficient will continue to become even more extreme. With Democrats compromising with themselves and playing games like pretending the damn parliamentarian has any fucking authority beyond making suggestions, and refusing to implement the necessary structural changes to REVERSE the decades-long trend of the nation’s wealth being drained from the bottom 90% to a few handfuls of people, you’re going to see even more people recognizing the Democratic Party as the dead-end that it is. That leaves them vulnerable to populist right messaging.

If you don’t want Trump again, or Ivanka, or some other asshole that might even be intelligent, then you should be paying attention. You should be holding Biden accountable and not just checking out. That’s EXACTLY how we got Trump last time.

JLeslie's avatar

@gorillapaws I do think a lot of Democrats fail to realize that part of the reason they feel better is because they are not listening to the news anymore. Out of sight out of mind.

They keep telling themselves they have the votes for 2024 as long as everyone is able to vote. Obsessing about voter suppression. I care about voter suppression too, it’s a very important issue, but the bigger issue is how well the country does over the next 3 years.

I stopped listening to a lot of political talk radio 15 years ago and I felt so much better. Then about 10 years ago I reduced the politics I was watching on TV, and felt better again. I had a few friends who did the same around the same time frame. We still watch the news, it’s just not hours every day. I increase reading politics and tuning into politics near election times.

pluckyrabbit's avatar

..gave up any interest in politics maybe 50 years ago or so. Too often gob smacked by the hypocracy of political constructs that only favor the few, the rich and the connected. Of course, that was during the time of government paid vacations to South East Asia…that sort of thing couldn’t posdibly happen in todays world. Could it?

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