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chyna's avatar

How would you describe your living quarters decor?

Asked by chyna (51731points) March 29th, 2021 from iPhone

Early parents hand me downs?
My grandmother passed away and I got the lamps and doilies?
Be creative and fun!

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26 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

Ha! Best described as “Off the curb, third year college student, with dog embellishments.”

chyna's avatar

Mine would be 50 shades of grey. Grey kitchen, grey living room, grey bedroom, grey carpet, grey curtains.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

That is Mrs Squeeky’s department but I will say bright yet cozy.

JLeslie's avatar


Too cluttered right now. I need more space.

janbb's avatar

Perfectly suited to me! (Although the iceberg I used to slide downstairs on is melting…..)

kritiper's avatar

Manly work-in-progress.

Aster's avatar

Dusty 1940’s ?

elbanditoroso's avatar

Penitentiary modern.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I just moved. My decor is “boxes and other items clogging the place”. Except for four functional places – kitchen, desk, bed, bathroom.

So I am thinking about how to proceed. It’s a 1970s apartment with lotsa recent beige carpet. The kitchen and bathroom have green tile and green countertops. I already had a green rug runner for the hall and matching green rugs for the bathroom and kitchen.

So I’m thinking green. Go green crazy.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Decor is Art Museum Gift Shop, several pieces of blown glass, paintings, antiques, ceramics (some I did in 1965), stain glass and musical instruments. Some of the furniture includes side chairs from 1890s.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Camperish. I miss my furniture and stuff.

chyna's avatar

How would you have described your house furnishings @Dutchess_III?

Dutchess_III's avatar

I hope they were warm and welcoming and comfortable. I had a lot of vintage furniture. My last acquisition was a pair of roosters that belonged to Rick’s mom. They’re made out of dried corn and beans. Just guessing they were made in the 30s or 40s. They hung in my kitchen.

Dutchess_III's avatar

(I wish we could post pictures directly….)

Kardamom's avatar

A craftsman style table, a mid mod chair, and a twenties era tea cart walk into a bar…

anniereborn's avatar

Early college apartment, furnished by dead relatives.

flutherother's avatar

Bland, with a few individual touches.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Comfortable, practical, too many things useful things. Kitchen is light blue with one wall completely covered with maps. The rest of the house is Dover white.
Right now there is an electrical experiment running in the kitchen because I needed a place with power, ethernet and an unobstructed view of the geostationary satellite belt.
It is messy but clean.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I would love to see your house @LuckyGuy!

jca2's avatar

I’d say the decor is farmhouse with a few pieces that are antique. I wish my house was larger because I have a lot of stuff and not a lot of space.

I just had the bathroom redone a little more than a year ago and so the bathroom is like a spa, with beautiful porcelain tile and a huge vanity. The bathroom is the most luxurious room in the house.

LuckyGuy's avatar

And I have 2 of these. They make a bathroom really classy. :-)
@jca2 You have to get one to go along with the new bathroom!

jca2's avatar

That’s a bidet, @Dutchess_III.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I have one of those in my camper! It’s down low, next to the toilet and it looks like a kitchen sprayer. And it doesn’t work.

Rick is installing a fire place in the camper.

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