Why Do Women Hate Wolf Whistling?
I’m a 23 year old male who can whistle extremely loudly. My mouth muscles enable me to do incredible whistles. Ever since I was 13 I’ve loudly whistled at maybe 60 women in my life. They usually aren’t interested in a date and get snappy. I’m not threatening as I’m only 5’4. Anyway today I was on the beach and I saw an attractive blonde lady a few inches taller than me walking her dog and I did a huge whistle. Turns out I met my match and she did a huge one as well slightly louder than mine and yelled “take that.”
Why was she so angry I’ve been told I’m extremely handsome and have black hair, light-medium olive skin and green eyes. I’m of Irish and Greek background. I’m on the autism spectrum and have trouble starting conversations so I say after “how about a date baby.”
I’m Canadian btw.
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27 Answers
They don’t hate the whistling, they hate the fact that you whistle to them. It signals that you are sexualizing them and you are about to, or is thinking of, do something dirty to them. It doesn’t matter how you look.
Because we are afraid you might want to rape or kill us or at minimum are obsessing about our bodies.
If you whistle at me and I’m near my house or hotel room I now have to worry about you knowing where I live or sleep. I might have to walk around the block, or wait to go to my room.
If very few people are on the beach I might have to leave if you are staying put.
Because your melodic air driven “call” translates to “I, a physically stronger species, think that you are an attractive, genetic perfect, match to make babies, and there’s nothing that you can do to stop me, once I’ve set my mind to using you for it”.
Because it is an unwanted sexual advance.
The fact that you are doing it also elevates the probability, that you are sex predator, and as a result, you are instantly classified as a potential threat.
“How about a date baby” will most likely never get you a date. That’s not how you talk to women.
It’s astonishing to me that you think any woman would appreciate being whistled at. We’re not dogs!
I may take it like a cheeky compliment or an insult, depending on the situation. If you are too close, in a group of men, or too intense, it can be creepy.
Save it for people you know not strangers.
Why don’t you find someone you trust and ask them how to nicely speak to women?
Another idea is if you see a therapist, ask for help in learning how to interract with people in general, and especially women.
And obviously you know they hate wolf whistles, so why do you continue to do so?
Taking off from the J.P. Morgan quote: “If you have to ask, you just don’t get it.”
How’s that whistling workin’ out for you? I’m guessing 0 for 60.
Keep doing the same thing, you’ll keep getting the same result. Time to change, pal.
I predict you won’t get any better responses with, “How about a date, baby.” At the very least, it’s disrespectful.
Do you like to be treated with respect? I think you do. If you treat other people with respect too, you will get much better results. Find someone you can trust and learn how to treat people properly.
See all responses above.
I will just say that I am shocked, SHOCKED, that you are both Canadian and this fucking rude.
Can’t even rely on a tried and true stereotype anymore.
Yeah, whatever happened to: “I am sorry, but how bout a date?”
Guys, he’s autistic. I didn’t read the whole question at first. That’s why I keep mentioning that he needs to get with someone who will teach him how to behave socially, and how to talk to women. That someone will probably need to be a therapist.
Yes Snow. That’s why I explained to him why it’s bad.
@snowberry: Ahhh, well that changes everything. Terribly sorry for the snark then.
The very fact that you asked the question tells me that you know that they don’t like it, so stop already! And why would you think that women would appreciate whistles from you simply because you’re (in your estimation) good-looking. You’re still sending the wrong message.
It’s demeaning. It reduces us to nothing more than a vagina you wanna stick your dick in.
How would you like to to be wolf whistled at by a gay man?
Or a woman, for that matter.
Just imagine how quickly the initial flathered feeling will wear off.
When you get whistled at on your way to the doctor to receive you biopsy results.
Or when you just feel off one day.
Or you get whistled at by a group of four women that just exitted the gym.
It’s just freaking indecent behaviour, comparable, or equal to, unwanted physical contact.
In Holland it’s a misdemeanor.
You can get fined, up to €4100.
@rebbel Really, a legitimate crime?! Wow, very interesting.
@KNOWITALL I checked up on it.
It is in Rotterdam and Amsterdam.
Although I’m not sure if Amsterdam is still pursuing it.
@rebbel Yes, I’m going to read up on the legalities of that, just for reference. So interesting they criminalize personal interactions to that degree as abusive.
To be honest, this guy sounds scarily like the guy I did my research on. The OP only needs a “girlfriend poster” and I won’t be able to tell if it’s the same guy on my thesis.
He is autistic and now maybe he understands not to do it, and I think it is good he asked.
The problem is, there are plenty of men who are not autistic who do it also, and refuse to accept it is harmful. Men just think in their head that they would never hurt the woman so what’s the harm. They don’t care that the women do not know what the man is thinking when he is cat calling or whistling. It’s some stranger seemingly sexually lusting after her.
Response moderated (Writing Standards)
Loll! When my daughter was about 13 I mentioned how much I dislike cat calls and wolf whistling.
She said “Oh Mutherrr! Guys don’t whistle at you!”
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