Social Question

Jeruba's avatar

After a divorce or a major breakup, what have you done with any valuable gifts, such as jewelry?

Asked by Jeruba (56258points) April 4th, 2021

When the thing no longer had the same meaning to you, did you keep, return, give away, sell, destroy?

Have you ever wished you’d done it differently? In particular, have you ever wished you’d kept something that you got rid of?

Or have you kept some things for a while and later disposed of them?

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10 Answers

rebbel's avatar

I have kept all the stuff that I/we shared when we were still together and I relish them as reminders, remembrances of how it was.
Some I still take with me on travels, as good luck charms (also keepsakes from other people, other than my then partner).
I should add that my ex partner and myself are friends, still.

JLeslie's avatar

My situation is a break-up after many years when I was very young. I kept the jewelry. My situation the jewelry was not very expensive and the pieces are mostly a fashion I wouldn’t wear much anymore so the items sit in a box now. For a few years immediately following the break up I still used the items.

I thought about giving some pieces to my niece when she was younger, but never did. The rings I would have to resize to wear them now. There is one ring I could imagine using again. I don’t have very much real jewelry, especially not from that relationship. We were so young and didn’t have a lot of money to spend on jewelry.

canidmajor's avatar

If you only meant this to be about romantic relationships, then this doesn’t apply.

When I estranged myself from my mother a number of years ago, it was “suggested” by one of my sisters that I return the valuable heirloom stuff (some jewelry, some silver) that had been gifted to me over the years. Much to her dismay, I have no intention of doing so, as there are plenty of heirlooms and family things to go around. I will pass them on to my daughter, who is not estranged from my family

janbb's avatar

The only jewelry I had that related to my marriage was my wedding ring. I took it off as soon as we split up but it’s still in my jewelry box. Jewelry doesn’t mean that much to me except for a cameo that was my grandmother’s and that my mother gave to me. I do wear a gold chain that my Ex gave to me because I like it, it doesn’t have any special meaning attached to it.

If I had valuable jewelry and I needed money, I would sell it except for the cameo.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

After our divorce, my ex wife kept the jewelry I’d given her over the years. There was a time she was bitter, but we did not have a contested divorce. We are friends now and before covid saw each other on major holidays with the children. I gave her at least one heavy gold necklace purchased when gold was much cheaper. I suspect it’s quite valuable now.

Inspired_2write's avatar

The only jewelry that my ex gave to me was one small cheap ring of which I gave to my daughter.
My ex was cheap and spent on himself lavishly while my children and I did with bare essentials.

After establishing my self and obtaining a Student loan I was able to purchase new beds, bedding, and dressers and we were well looked after then as we should had been in the first place.
I realize now that I was conditioned with a overbearing ,dominant father and thus entered unwisely into a marriage with the same or worse in this case ( selfish ,demanding and self centered ) who tried to make up for problems of dominance( overbearing mother and father) in his own family.

flutherother's avatar

After my second major break up I was able to put everything I possessed into one suitcase. There wasn’t much that was valuable in it, just two wedding rings and my daughter’s first tooth.

nikipedia's avatar

My ex-husband did me the considerable favor of never once giving me an expensive or thoughtful gift (he even lost the cheap wedding ring I had and never replaced it). I just finished moving, and while unpacking I noted how grateful I was to avoid having to make exactly the kind of decision you are posing here.

tedibear's avatar

When my ex-husband and I initially broke up, I had a few good pieces that had belonged to his mom. This included my wedding ring set, a platinum dinner ring, an opal ring, and pearl earrings. When we divorced, I gave them back to him. I didn’t want any part of them any more. He reported to me that she wanted me to keep them to pawn in case I hit financial difficulties. I told him I didn’t want them, and to give them back to her.

seawulf575's avatar

When I got divorced, I let her take whatever she wanted. Except the kids and their stuff. I didn’t have much of value. My wedding ring I gave to a later girlfriend who was squawking about a ring. I gave it to her and told her it meant absolutely nothing to me and it did not mean I was proposing. I didn’t have any good memories associated with the marriage except the kids and I could see them every day! So the ring was junk jewelry as far as I was concerned.

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