Jellies, what, if anything are you doing for Easter?
Asked by
jca2 (
April 4th, 2021
If you don’t celebrate Easter, feel free to answer too.
Jellies, what, if anything, are you doing for Easter?
Did you do anything for Passover?
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7 Answers
I went to the Easter Vigil at my parish Episcopal church last night. I might venture to an early mass there this morning, or I might stay home so as not to add to the number of bodies in the sanctuary.
My church does ritual exceedingly well. There is the incense, the priest wears elaborate vestments, and the music is superb. The congregation is not allowed to sing due to the pandemic, so we have a cantor, and he’s wonderful. He’s a professional, and we pay him. The organ was silent during Lent, and it was really moving to hear it again last night.
Because of the pandemic, I will not be sharing a meal with anyone today. I will make something simple for myself. It won’t be anything traditional.
Cleaning apartment. Done sweeping and dusting.
Well, it’s my birthday too, so I went to an Oakland A’s game. First live baseball I’ve seen in a year and a half. (We got shelled by the Astros)
All I did was eat a chocolate egg.
I ate a whole bunch of chocolate eggs and went for a distanced walk with my younger sisters.
I had coffee cake for breakfast and went to my church for Easter mass.
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