Considering the massive vaccination effort, where is the uproar about the blatant proliferation of SOCIALIZED MEDICINE?
Curious how quickly one stupidity slides in to replace another. Even with vaccine for all REGARDLESS of ability to pay, we are now confronted with an antivaxer epidemic. Sic transit imperium.
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3 Answers
We have met the enemy – and he is us.
I still want to know who benefits by spreading disinformation about vaccines. Epoch Times puts out all sorts of articles that, while sort of factual, distort the benefits of the vaccine. They regularly post headlines like: “1800 people die after getting the vaccine!”. (There is a microscopic asterisk that states “after ” means within 7 days of getting the vaccine) They don’t mention that is the same rate as people who died in 2019, before the pandemic. They don’t mention 580,000 people who died in 2020 and how the rate is close to zero for those vaccinated. They just put a negative spin on it to encourage the antivaxxers. But still “1800 people die after getting vaccine!!!!”
It is a fact that the founders of Epoch Times are Chinese. Maybe they and Russia are trying to use our freedom of the press to weaken the US.
The Epoch Times is the acknowledged right wing disinformation mouthpiece of the Falun Gong, plain and simple. It is little more than a steamroller hell bent to avenge the excoriation of the cult by the Chinese Communist party. The fact that the rag threw in with Trump is proof aplenty of its dubious regard for the truth as well as its pronounced journalistic deficiencies.
Anti-vaxxer has been around for a long time. There are people who are not anti-vaxxers who are refusing or reluctant for now, and they are being influenced by anti-vaxxer messaging across social media. They’re either frightened the vaccines weren’t tested enough or never believed the virus was a big deal.
As far as socialized medicine, the Trumpers think Trump was great to give everyone the vaccine for “free.” They ignore its universal care. The Democrats don’t acknowledge that Trump was on board with giving everyone the vaccine for “free.”
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