General Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

How long until Tucker Carlson and Fox News begin advocating for concentration camps and mass killings?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33765points) April 13th, 2021

Apparently Tucker Carlson doubled down on his ‘replacement theory’ of disenfranchisement last night.

How long until he starts advocating genocide?

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99 Answers

JLeslie's avatar

I wish we could deport him. Such an awful man.

gondwanalon's avatar

The left dislike Tucker Carlson because presents strong arguments in support of conservative ideas and perhaps they feel intimidated by him. Such is likely the driving force behind this question. If his ideas are wrong then they should be easy to expose with reasonable dialogue.

I enjoy listening to very liberal Thom Hartmann on the radio. I like him though I disagree with him around 99% of the time. Most of the time I can see right through the facade he paints to support his arguments. He forces me to think. I never would suggest that he is capable of atrocities or want him deported.

Demosthenes's avatar

Well this is what many right-wingers really believe. They don’t like to be upfront about it but sometimes it comes out (e.g. the torch-bearers in Charlottesville crying “Jews will not replace us!”). Tucker Carlson is a clown but he’s only saying what many people are thinking and too chickenshit to say. The fear of the “browning of America” is a very real one.

JLeslie's avatar

@Demosthenes I feel like we should stop dwelling on race, because the right seems much more afraid of Democrats than a certain race. If people were coming in from Germany and Sweden with very liberal ideas the Republicans would hate that too. Race is almost a distraction that Republicans can dismiss out of hand if they don’t consider themselves racist.

Demosthenes's avatar

@JLeslie Would they, though? I realize that Carlson is speaking specifically of Democrats trying to increase their numbers, but is that really all that’s going on here? I think that’s often just a front for what is in truth racial anxiety.

hello321's avatar

@Demosthenes: “Tucker Carlson is a clown but he’s only saying what many people are thinking and too chickenshit to say.”

There is a legitimate chicken/egg question, however. Do people who are racist/misogynist/etc watch Fox because they can feel validated, or do people who watch Fox become more racist/misogynist/etc because Fox fosters it?

Right above you, someone sincerely wrote that “the left” fears Carlson due to his “strong arguments”. We can laugh this off because we haven’t been fully indoctrinated. But what is the effect of spending years watching nothing but Fox/OANN and listening to conservative talk radio?

Demosthenes's avatar

@hello321 True. Listen to enough of it and you start to think the ideas are your own. I’ve noticed that people who are long-time listeners of volatile political talk radio tend to be very angry individuals. I listen to a lot of Chapo but I can’t say it inflames my passions much… :P

JLeslie's avatar

@Demosthenes I think it is both, but much of the right completely rejects they have any racist thoughts. People are defining racism differently is part of the problem.

I also think it is chicken and egg as you discussed with @hello321. Imagine a lot of Swedes and Germans came pouring into the country. Probably true the alt-right wouldn’t pay attention unless some Fox News or radio guy pointed out they are likely 80% Democrats.

Look at Texas, a lot of people coming from California and Texans are worried about them being Democrats. These are our countrymen. Probably a lot of white Americans making the move.

I think most Republicans voice concern about cultural differences. They don’t seem to have a problem with Cubans and Venezuelans who are most often voting for Republicans.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Mass murderers including the Christchurch mosque killer, Pittsburgh synagogue killer, and the El Paso Walmart killer have used language straight from Trump speeches and Fox News, about invading Latin Americans and Muslims.

They don’t have to be explicit to inspire violence. They keep a huge amount of the public angry and frightened, and a few will always take it to the extreme. Tens of millions more are scared into voting Republican by manipulation of their racism and xenophobia.

As you can see above, “moderate” conservatives accept the language as normal, and whine that core conservative values are unfairly criticized.

Zaku's avatar

“The left dislike Tucker Carlson because presents strong arguments in support of conservative ideas and perhaps they feel intimidated by him.”



Fox News won a court case by ‘persuasively’ arguing that no ‘reasonable viewer’ takes Tucker Carlson seriously

capet's avatar

He’ll be saying to kill the Dutch if Rutger Bregman destroys him a second time.

lastexit's avatar

@JLeslie Re the chicken/egg question, I think you’re right that it is both. My sister started watching Fox about three years ago because it fit a narrative she already had.

si3tech's avatar

@elbanditoroso The majority of Americans want a closed/secure border. There is good reason for getting all illegals in one secure place. Number one you will know what/who are here.

Zaku's avatar

OMG it’s too dumb… stop…

elbanditoroso's avatar

says you.

My take is that most Americans are in favor of humanity and decency and see the value in a diverse society. You don’t – that’s fine. But I don’t think you speak for most Americans.

And in any event, you didn’t answer my original question.

JLeslie's avatar

@si3tech If we let more people in legally you will know where they are also, because they will have no reason to hide.

If you want people to assimilate and be part of American culture, the way to achieve that is by welcoming them, not treating them like they are the other.

Where is your family from?

mazingerz88's avatar

Michael Gerson’s opinion on the Washington Post.


Some in the Republican Party hope that it can eventually maintain the Trump coalition without the toxic excesses of Donald Trump’s disordered personality. Already, a variety of talented and calculating figures — Sens. Josh Hawley (Mo.) and Tom Cotton (Ark.) come to mind — are trying to model populism minus the psychopathy.

They are clearly imagining a day when a working-class and fundamentalist cultural revolt can be channeled into constructive public purposes. As one Republican congressional staffer has said: “Trump has changed the party forever, but that doesn’t mean he will control the party forever.”

It is a rational instinct. It also strikes me as a nearly impossible task. And Tucker Carlson illustrates why.

Every mention of the Fox News host, of course, plays into his career advancement strategy. He is the prime example of a professional troll. The Anti-Defamation League has demanded Carlson’s firing for his unapologetic embrace of “replacement theory.”

Here is how Carlson defined this idea in the process of defending it last week: “The Democratic Party is trying to replace the current electorate of the voters now casting ballots with new people, more obedient voters from the Third World.”

Why people should be offended by this mystifies Carlson. “Everyone wants to make a racial issue out of it,” he continued. “No, no, no, this is a voting-rights question. I have less political power because they are importing a brand-new electorate. Why should I sit back and take that? The power that I have as an American, guaranteed at birth, is one man, one vote, and they are diluting it.”

There is a reason, of course, that “everyone” wants to make a racial issue out of this. Because it is a putrescent pile of racist myths and cliches. Nearly every phrase of Carlson’s statement is the euphemistic expression of white-supremacist replacement doctrine. “The Democratic Party” means liberals, which translates into Jews.

They are importing “new people” from the “Third World” means people with black and brown skin. Those kinds of people, in the racist trope, are “obedient,” meaning docile, backward and stupid. Their votes do not constitute real democracy because they are replacing the “current electorate” — which is presumably whiter and less docile.

These paler, truer Americans are thus deprived of their birthright of political dominance. And fighting back — making sure the new Third World people have less power — becomes a defense of the American way.

This is what modern, poll-tested, shrink-wrapped, mass-marketed racism looks like. Carlson is providing his audience with sophisticated rationales for their worst, most prejudicial instincts.

And the brilliance of Carlson’s business model is to reinterpret moral criticism of his bigotry as an attack by elites on his viewers. Public outrage is thus recycled into fuel for MAGA victimhood. And so the Fox News machine runs on and on.

Wouldn’t it be best to simply ignore Carlson’s provocations? That is increasingly difficult. Carlson plays the reprehensible but illuminating role of turning Trump’s instincts into ideology. Carlson’s redefinition of conservatism is insidious but coherent. And it seems to be prevailing.

In Carlson’s version of the MAGA worldview, politics is played for the highest of stakes. “Western civilization” is under attack from liberalism. “America isn’t falling to foreign invaders,” Carlson has said. “It is rotting from within because the people in charge don’t think it is worth preserving.”

And one of the main instruments that liberalism uses to secure power and undermine Western culture is elevation of “diversity” as a social ideal. In fact, according to Carlson, people from non-Western countries dilute and adulterate America’s culture and heritage. Immigration makes the country “poorer and dirtier and more divided,” he said in 2018.

(Earlier, Carlson said Iraqis come from “a culture where people just don’t use toilet paper or forks.”) Mass migration, according to Carlson, is not merely a threat; the promotion of mass migration is a political conspiracy.

Liberals are attempting to control the country by changing its ethnic makeup and polluting its culture. And this deprives true Americans — those with, say, the racial makeup of Fox News viewers — of their rightful place of social and economic influence.

Each day, Carlson gives a pure, accurate depiction of Trumpism. This viewpoint is not focused on the working-class economic dislocation caused by globalization, or even the moral panic resulting from rapidly changing cultural norms.

It is an argument in favor of cultural purity, of social hygiene. Note Carlson’s use of “dirtier” in describing immigrants, and his reference to toilet hygiene. Trumpism is an argument that Western society, and American society in particular, is being infected by dirty outsiders who are destroying the country’s very nature.

Demosthenes's avatar

What I find to be extremely ironic is that if it is the case that some states are becoming more blue and that it is largely due to more non-white and immigrant voters, why don’t the Republicans try and reach out to them more? When Hillary lost, Democrats were rightly reprimanded for not bothering to reach white working class voters and focusing too much on niche issues that the average “Middle American” doesn’t value, yet when Republicans lose, they pass anti-trans bills, increase voting restrictions, and blame everything on immigrants or some “white replacement” conspiracy. Hmm…if there are to be more non-white people in this country, maybe Republicans can broaden their appeal and try and reach out to them instead of further alienating them and doubling down on the GOP as the “party of white people”. Just a thought…

mazingerz88's avatar

@Demosthenes Well, because maybe you know…racists.~

crazyguy's avatar

@Demosthenes There are two ways to address the replacement theory:

1. Your way.
2. Appeal to true Americans, and legal immigrants.

1 is the Democratic way. 2 is the Tucker way.

crazyguy's avatar

@mazingerz88 You will soon find out what racism is in the Democratic sense!

sadiesayit's avatar

@crazyguy—Am I understanding you correctly that when you say “true Americans” in the second point, you mean it in a sarcastic, “this is how Carlson would frame it” kind of way?

elbanditoroso's avatar

What’s a ‘true American’? Who decides?

My parents are US Citizens but my dad was thrown out of Germany in 1938, and came to the US as an immigrant.

Am I a “true american”?

When people start bandying about terms like “true American” or “true Christian” they are, by definition, being exclusionary. That’s repulsive.

sadiesayit's avatar

As I was reading the article you pasted, @mazingerz88, I found myself wondering about what Carlson means when he says “people don’t think it is worth preserving.”

@all—What do you understand the “it” is in that ideology? I know in the sentence it’s standing in for “western civilization,” but that’s still a pretty vacuous term (and from what I understand, fairly loaded at that). What is he ferrying through with that “it”?

crazyguy's avatar

@sadiesayit Good catch. That is a fairly vacuous expression, one I would not normally use, What I meant was born Americans or 1st Gen Americans.

@elbanditoroso I fully agree with you. True American is a vacuous expression, one I don’t normally use. What I meant was born Americans. Therefore, you being a born American, would be a ‘true American’. My apologies.

@sadiesayit I assume you are referring to the following section of the long article:

“Western civilization” is under attack from liberalism. “America isn’t falling to foreign invaders,” Carlson has said. “It is rotting from within because the people in charge don’t think it is worth preserving.”

I am a follower of Tucker, and I can say assuredly that what he meant was “American civilization” and “Democracy”.

sadiesayit's avatar

@crazyguy—thanks for the clarification. I would push back on the idea that 1 and 2 are necessarily separate; as someone who happens to have been born a US citizen (and white, which matters to Carlson), I find #1 infinitely more appealing than Carlson’s idea of the country.

“I am a follower of Tucker,”—you would be the person to ask, then. What does he mean by “American civilization” and “Democracy”? Those are still too big, too broad, too vague to mean much of anything.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Appeal to true Americans

You are calling anyone who disagrees not a “real” American. This is eliminationist rhetoric, straight out of the fascist playbook. Republicans use it to paint immigrants, Muslims and now most of America as inhuman vermin.

Vox – April 2021 – A recent essay in a prominent right-wing outlet gives an unusually clear window into the modern right’s anti-democratic worldview “Most people living in the United States today — certainly more than half — are not Americans in any meaningful sense of the term. They do not believe in, live by, or even like the principles, traditions, and ideals that until recently defined America as a nation and as a people. It is not obvious what we should call these citizen-aliens, these non-American Americans; but they are something else.”

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

What I meant was born Americans or 1st Gen Americans.

A naturalized citizen is just as American as you are. They know more than you about American values and virtues. They had to pass a written test to prove it.

hello321's avatar

@crazyguy: “I am a follower of Tucker”

crazyguy's avatar

@sadiesayit To me the US represents a democratic, capitalistic country, with minimal social programs (and hence a relatively small government). I think that is what Tucker was calling it.

As far as 1 vs 2 goes, you would rather see your vote diluted by people from other countries, who break US laws in the hope that Democrats will eventually legalize them?

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Undocumented immigrants don’t vote. Citizens do.

crazyguy's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay Undocumented immigrants will be given a path to citizenship, in, I believe Biden said, EIGHT YEARS. So, in time, probably for the 2028 Presidential election. I am truly surprised that you guys do not recognize the true motives of Biden and his fellow Democrats – perpetual power by bringing in more Democratic voters.

crazyguy's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay You bring up an interesting point. I am a naturalized American citizen, but my ties to my country of origin remain strong; much stronger than those of my children, who are born Americans.

crazyguy's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay Hopefully, my last two posts in response to other posts by you, have clarified my position. I am not a white person, but find Tucker more credible than say RM or AC. Both CNN and MSNBC have an agenda; and the agenda supports their own power grab by agreeing with the majority opinion. I am certain Fox News also has an agenda. However, their agenda is a little harder to decipher. I can well believe the secretly recorded audio of CNN producers caught red-handed; a similar audio of Fox News personalities is, for me, a little harder to imagine.

crazyguy's avatar

All, there have been calls for Fox News to fire Tucker over his comments about the replacement theory. I watched both of his episodes pertaining to replacement – one before the call and the next after the call. I am flabbergasted that a rather obvious theory of what the Democrats are trying to accomplish got so many people riled up; actually, the reason they were riled up is that the allegations hit close to home, like many Tucker broadsides.

mazingerz88's avatar

@crazyguy So you are a naturalized person afraid of more naturalized people coming eventually. I hope it’s not only because you think they will end up being Democrats and your selfishness extends to naturalized people that may lean towards the trump and tucker racist party. Wait….I think that’s pretty much exactly the situation with you. Oh man.

crazyguy's avatar

@mazingerz88 There are naturalized legal immigrants and illegal immigrants who are excused their illegal entry and gib=ven a path to citizenship. I oppose only the illegal route. LIKE ALL AMERICANS SHOULD! For just two reasons, economics and politics.

mazingerz88's avatar

@crazyguy Right. Illegal people are totally different from the kind of human being that you are. You are such an awesome creature you know that? You posing with tucker and trump would make a hell of a magnificent photo exemplifying what makes America great. And probably the entire human race too.

crazyguy's avatar

@mazingerz88 I think a better picture may be you posing with Pelosi and a bunch of illegals.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^If only I were so lucky. I’d pose with thousands of illegals…and Pelosi.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

You bring up an interesting point. I am a naturalized American citizen

I am not a white person

Your biography seems to change a lot.

Anyway, thanks for making it clear that what bothers you is immigrants, legal or not. It was obvious, but its good to see a little honesty.

JLeslie's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay Actually, his biography has not changed that I have seen. Immigrated to the US, marriage was a match by the family and he knew his wife was “the one” right away because she was so beautiful. Engineer. I haven’t seen him alter that narrative. Maybe you were assuming he is some sort of white QAnon. I think because people expect minorities to be on the side of the minority.

si3tech's avatar

@elbanditoroso The ONLY humane thing to have done is to have finished Trump’s “stupid“wall. Which would have closed/secured our border. This blatantly irresponsible and unconstitutional situation never needed to happen. No one has a “right” to enter another country illegally.

mazingerz88's avatar

It just saddens me when immigrants themselves hate illegal immigrants or are terrified of them for giving them competition. The funny thing is if racist white citizens succeed in getting rid of human beings they deemed of lower quality or undeserving of America, the next thing they’re gonna go after are naturalized citizens of color. Lol

crazyguy's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay I have no idea what you are talking about.

@JLeslie Thanks for vouching for me.

@si3tech I agree 1,000%.

@mazingerz88 Illegal immigrants are competition only for the minimum wage-type people, not for me. So, as usual, your post makes zero sense.

mazingerz88's avatar

@mazingerz88 Good for you. I do recall you mentioned illegals as being competition in another post. Something like that. I see now that you’re merely concerned for the minimum wage-type legal people. That’s nice. So you’re in the “Now that I’m safe, happy and earning big bucks in America, I can be selfish-type” of people. Got it.

crazyguy's avatar

@mazingerz88 I am not sure why I even indulge a person like you. But I guess I am a nice guy at heart.

Illegals are competition for the minimum wage people, and therefore, Biden’s policies of attempting to raise the minimum wage while encouraging competition for workers in that category are inconsistent with each other. And the Democrats on this board fail to see that. I never said they represent competition for me.

I have been retired for about six years now, so my big buck-making days are over. I do have a lot of time to research stuff and to think about it.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Ask expert economists maybe. And at the same time be more humane towards illegal immigrants. Best if you can keep yourself from following racist millionaire entertainers like tucker. Might change your perception about “illegals.”

crazyguy's avatar

@mazingerz88 Expert economists, eh? How about common sense?

This is from Cato Institute (link below).

An alternative view supported by much of the academic literature is that natives and immigrants largely take different types of jobs.

The quote is taken from

The problem with the Cato quote is that Americans will work at any job that pays enough to support his/her family. And it is so disingenuous to think that an illegal immigrant cannot rise to the bread-and-butter jobs held by lower-level Americans, like Construction, Fire Fighting, Cooking, etc.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Common sense? Do you think your average racist can deploy mere common sense in understanding the complexities surrounding labor supply and wage economics?

Where do you think writers of such articles you posted get their information?

You just might be looking for economic data supporting your biases on this issue. I hope you are also reading data by economists who might have published theories and opinions counter to what you want to hear.

Thing is, why even bother? You see “illegals” as nuisance not human beings. You are hopelessly prejudiced.

crazyguy's avatar

@mazingerz88 You, my friend, are so full of vitriol that you would ridicule a baby that disagreed with you! I have been trying to present data to you from respectable organizations like the Cato institute. You just talk about theories and opinions counter to what you want to hear.

hello321's avatar

@crazyguy: “present data to you from respectable organizations like the Cato institute”

Satire is dead.

mazingerz88's avatar

@crazyguy When you see tucker and trump as the opportunistic assholes that they are, I just might read a link you posted for me.

crazyguy's avatar

@mazingerz88 Your post illustrates the attitude summarized as follows: I buried my head in the sand years ago. Pull me out when there is news of a confirmed UFO sighting. Not to knock UFOs, but I do not believe there is a more advanced civilization out there. If there were, they would have found a better way to make contact with us by now.

mazingerz88's avatar

@crazyguy If only selfish and insecure immigrants in the US who hate illegal immigrants are mere UFOs…

crazyguy's avatar

@mazingerz88 You continue to use names instead of facts.

mazingerz88's avatar

@crazyguy You’re a naturalized immigrant who hates illegal immigrants.

tucker and trump could still mouth off facts but everyone knows they have malicious hearts. Surely, there are other less deplorable sources of accurate information in the Internet other than tucker and trump.

crazyguy's avatar

@mazingerz88 Is your problem with my sources? Or my facts?

mazingerz88's avatar

@crazyguy Oh man. It’s pretty obvious. Not sure if you’re joking asking that question.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

You’re a naturalized immigrant who hates illegal immigrants.

He hates immigrants, legal or not. I’m skeptical about his claim to be naturalized. He’s enthusiastic about white supremacy and nativism.

mazingerz88's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay I’ve met people who won the US visa lottery in their country of origin and people who were petitioned by their relatives. They all came legally here but whenever I meet those of them who take the side of Republicans who demonize illegal immigrants it’s quite depressing.

elbanditoroso's avatar

An example of that, @mazingerz88 is the Cubans who escaped from Cuba when the Castro government took over in the 1950s – those same refugees are now right-wing republicans who don’t want other Cubans (and Latin Americans) to come in.

“I got mine – now I’ll lock the rest of you out”

JLeslie's avatar

A ton of Latin Americans who struggled to do their paperwork here and sweated through INS interviews resent anyone who just walks in. Many Latin Americans were resenting Cubans who have been coming here for the last 50 years under put your toe in US sand and you are legal. Many of you might not know just how often Cubans did come on shore. The first wave of Cubans because of Castro was one thing, but in more resent years it was very political to keep letting Cubans in, to keep Florida Republican. Finally policies have started to change regarding our policy with Cubans. Latin Americans who came here legally also resent from other countries not just Cuba.

At the same time, Latin Americans don’t want to be treated like second class citizens or some sort of negative stereotype. It is really two separate things going on. One is bigotry and one is about borders. I know a lot of people want to smush the two together, and there is some overlap, but they are not one and the same.

Bit4James's avatar

He is never going to do that. Tucker is a good American and a decent, moral person. The concentration camps would be more probably the result of the far left. It seems to me at lest. FDR did intern the Japanese Americans, and he was a Democrat. And I have never heard Tucker Carlson say anything to suggest he was a totalitarian or a cruel person. He is for democracy and constitutionalism and protecting America from tyranny and foreign attacks. Nothing bad about him. Whoever asked that is probably not a terribly fair person.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

The concentration camps would be more probably the result of the far left.

‘In Defense of Internment: The Case for ‘Racial Profiling’ in World War II and the War on Terror is a 2004 book written by conservative American political commentator Michelle Malkin. Malkin defends the internment of Japanese Americans in the United States during World War II and racial profiling of Arabs during the post-2001 War on Terror.’

Michelle Malkin is still a frequent Fox News contributor, including as a guest of Tucker Carlson.

crazyguy's avatar

@JLeslie I wish we could deport him. Such an awful man. That post has to rank near the bottom of your messages on this (and hopefully any other board you post on). I personally find Tucker more palatable than most posters here.

crazyguy's avatar

@gondwanalon A refreshing post on this board, which is meant to spur dialog but has become a mouthpiece for the LEFT!

crazyguy's avatar

@Demosthenes The “browning of America” is not something the right can and necessarily wants to stop. What the Right-wingers like me want (I am a brown person) is that our laws should be enforced.

crazyguy's avatar

@JLeslie If people were coming in from Germany and Sweden with very liberal ideas the Republicans would hate that too. I agree wholeheartedly. To me (a brown person) race is much less important than what a person thinks and believes. However, I would not accept a litmus test on who is allowed in the country and who is not. As long as they come in legally and give us a chance to say AYE or NAY.

crazyguy's avatar

@Demosthenes You are a perfect stereotype of the liberal, democratic mind set – IF ANYBODY OPPOSES YOU, S/HE MUST BE A RACIST!

crazyguy's avatar

@JLeslie They don’t seem to have a problem with Cubans and Venezuelans who are most often voting for Republicans AND COMING INTO THIS COUNTRY LEGALLY!

Demosthenes's avatar

@crazyguy our laws should be enforced Our laws aren’t working if we are putting people in cages because of a surge of migrants at the border. Our laws need to be changed.

@crazyguy You are a perfect stereotype of the liberal, democratic mind set – IF ANYBODY OPPOSES YOU, S/HE MUST BE A RACIST!

I’m not a liberal or a Democrat, so try again.

crazyguy's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay Tens of millions more are scared into voting Republican by manipulation of their racism and xenophobia. How about Democrat voters? How many of them are truly supporters of Biden’s policies on the southern border? According to

There’s little appetite to condemn President Joe Biden in the same terms as Trump.

But in taking a softer stance, Democrats and immigration advocates also risk being branded by the GOP as hypocrites.

crazyguy's avatar

Fox News won a court case by ‘persuasively’ arguing that no ‘reasonable viewer’ takes Tucker Carlson seriously

Tucker is not a news anchor; he is an unapologetic opinion host. If you agree with his opinions you will have a smoother listen than if you don’t; however, most of his contentions are supported whereas most contentions on this board are not.

crazyguy's avatar

@capet I’ll confess I had to look up Bregman because I had never heard of him.

I vehemently disagree with him on almost all counts. He seems to be the stereotype of this board, who believes that people are not inherently lazy and therefore should be given enough money as a UBI; they will still find ways to be productive.

And, there is. abridge I would like to sell to you guys…

crazyguy's avatar

@lastexit I used to despise FOX until about six years ago. However, once I started hearing a different perspective on CNN ‘News’, I quickly realized what I believed. Now I watch certain hosts on CNN for a different perspective. I even watch some MSNBC shows.

crazyguy's avatar

@si3tech The majority of Americans want a closed/secure border.

79 percent of Americans agreed that the U.S. needs “secure borders.” versus open borders. That is not a surprise. What is a surprise at least to me is

The numbers shift heavily depending on how the question is asked, however. In a Morning Consult/Politico poll from August 2017, there was a question asking if there should be a “greater emphasis on an applicant’s job skills over their ties to family members.”

Fifty-six percent either strongly or somewhat supported this, while 42 percent opposed it. That’s still a majority who favor merit over family, but it’s a smaller majority.

This is all taken from

crazyguy's avatar

@elbanditoroso Please research your own feelings and determine just how that viewpoint has changed in the last couple of months.

crazyguy's avatar

@JLeslie If you want people to assimilate and be part of American culture, the way to achieve that is by welcoming them, not treating them like they are the other.

Your take in this and other posts seems to be that no matter how somebody gets into the US, we should welcome them. Well, I, for one, make a huge distinction between how an immigrant is admitted into this great country.

crazyguy's avatar

@mazingerz88 Thanks for posting the whole article because people like me will never give our email address to that rag, and therefore would not be able to read the story.

Now that I have read the story, my mind is totally made up. I shall never give my email address to that rag.

Just one example of the drivel:

“The Democratic Party” means liberals, which translates into Jews. Translation, All liberals are Jews! What nonsense!

mazingerz88's avatar

@crazyguy I think I might consider agreeing with kicking out all new brown immigrants as long as all other selfish and insecure brown immigrants like you are deported as well.

crazyguy's avatar

@Demosthenes The only way I or anybody else can tell is by reading your posts. My analysis is that you are a liberal. Last I checked, most liberals are Democrats.

crazyguy's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay I couldn’t give two hoots about your personal opinion of me. However, I rtersent the following in your post:

I’m skeptical about his claim to be naturalized. He’s enthusiastic about white supremacy and nativism.

crazyguy's avatar

@mazingerz88 They all came legally here but whenever I meet those of them who take the side of Republicans who demonize illegal immigrants it’s quite depressing.

What I take that sentence to mean is that all immigrants should be Democrats!

crazyguy's avatar

@elbanditoroso “I got mine – now I’ll lock the rest of you out”

I got mine legally. And I want others to get it the same way!

crazyguy's avatar

@JLeslie A ton of Latin Americans who struggled to do their paperwork here and sweated through INS interviews resent anyone who just walks in.


mazingerz88's avatar

@crazyguy Do you really think opportunistic moneymakers like Carlson respects and admire brown legal immigrants like yourself?

He demonizes the same brown-skinned guy right behind you but not you simply because you had a green card and now a citizen? Man, you are catching all that venomous spit on your face and you think you’re being blessed with holy water. Lol

Demosthenes's avatar

@crazyguy Okay. Thanks for your vapid response. I know getting you to think outside the box is tough, especially at your age.

Although it shouldn’t take much radical thinking to consider “white replacement theory” to be fundamentally racialized.

crazyguy's avatar

@mazingerz88 I kinda sensed that I was wasting my time with you. But I’ll indulge you.

How exactly do you know that Tucker is a racist?

mazingerz88's avatar

@crazyguy All that mental blockage inside your head is astounding. Here’s a real waste of time. Listening to trump and Fox News entertainers.

crazyguy's avatar

@mazingerz88 Let me ask you couple of questions to see who has the mental blockage. I trust you will answer honestly:

1. When was the last time you watched the opening monologue on Ticker?
2. When was the last time you changed your mind on something?

mazingerz88's avatar

@crazyguy I watched Tucker during his Crossfire days. He turned into a political money whore at Fox News.

Demonizing the undocumented in America will never change the minds of those who despise the very act and those who love it.

People who do these sordid and deplorable performances on TV like Carlson and trump would always be perceived as douchebags by some and nothing more.

No decent American would truly love douchebags imo. To me there is something wrong deep inside of you if you don’t see Carlson and trump as mediocre men.

The Republican Party needs serious political leaders not clowns.

You’re also doing Murdoch a lot of favor with your patronage.

sadiesayit's avatar

“you would rather see your vote diluted by people from other countries…”

I have the right to a single vote, same as everybody. Someone else’s right to vote does not dilute mine, nor does mine dilute theirs.

I do not have the right to exclude others their right in order to artificially inflate the power of mine, nor is it in my interest to do so (since I could just as easily be the one to be excluded).

Anyway, my voice is far more diluted by the influence of money in politics than by my (current and future) fellow citizens having access to their right to vote.

“I am certain Fox News also has an agenda. However, their agenda is a little harder to decipher.”

Try harder, then.

crazyguy's avatar

@mazingerz88 You answered my first question, but not the second. Your first answer confirmed my suspicion that your opinion of Tucker is based on past incidents and second-hand innuendo.

It is also clear to me that nothing anybody says will ever change your mind.

crazyguy's avatar

@sadiesayit Yes you have the right to a single vote. Your one vote may or not make any difference in any election. Just like my one vote in California makes zero difference.

Not for a minute do I advocate the suppression of voting rights of millions of California voters so that my vote becomes more meaningful. However, I do resent the awarding of citizenship, and hence the right to vote, to people who have no right to be in this country.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^No changing my mind when it comes to douchebag TV celebrities and performers like carlson and trump and legal immigrants who hate undocumenteds.

sadiesayit's avatar

@crazyguy—No one who isn’t a citizen has the right to vote. If people who were not citizens yesterday become citizens tomorrow, then they have the right to vote, no matter their backstory. In neither case does it dilute my vote.

“people who have no right to be in this country”... But the parameters that define the “right” to be in this country are created by and written by people. They can be rewritten if they are not serving people well enough. No person inherently has “no right” to be in this country.

“Not for a minute do I advocate the suppression of voting rights of millions of California voters so that my vote becomes more meaningful.” I didn’t say that, nor imply that.

If one of your reasons against granting people the right to citizenship is because ‘they’ll dilute my vote,’ then you are denying others what otherwise would be their right; it would be supporting a type of voter suppression. If that’s not what you mean, then you should probably remove “vote dilution” from your reasons against immigration law reform.

crazyguy's avatar

@mazingerz88 My question to you, that you chose to ignore, did not say changing my mind when it comes to douchebag TV celebrities and performers like carlson and trump and legal immigrants who hate undocumenteds. My questions was: “When was the last time you changed your mind on something?”

crazyguy's avatar

@sadiesayit What you and other Democrat supporters fail to see is the looming forest being pulled out of thin air by Democrat politicians. The forest I am referring to is the hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, of new voters who have Democrat inclinations. The politicians talk a good game about minimum wage and covid eradication, while, at the same time, putting their longer-term political interests ahead of those goals. And you guys are too blinded by Democrat fairness to even acknowledge that!

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