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Is it ok to ignore a 2-month-old's crying?

Asked by Mimishu1995 (23824points) April 15th, 2021

This morning I went to visit a friend who just got a baby. Another friend went with me and we spent most of our time playing around with the 2-month-old baby. At one point the baby reached out to his mom and cried. I don’t know what exactly he wanted but it was clear that he wanted to be closer to the mom. My other friend told the mom not to give in to the baby because he was “testing her boundary”, and if she gave in to him, he would become spoiled and would increase his demand the next time.

Now, I don’t think I have much experience around babies as her, and I’m totally in favor of setting boundaries, but I recently read a book called The Body Keeps the Score, which dedicates an entire section on childhood trauma. There is a part in the book that basically says babies need as much attention from the caregivers because every deep trauma has roots in this period of life. And if the baby is neglected, if its cry doesn’t draw attention to the caregiver, the baby will stop crying because it learns that it is insignificant to the caregiver. This is directly in contrast with the attitude of my friend.

So is it ok to ignore the child’s cry?

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