Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

What would a real Robocop's "prime directives" be?

Asked by ragingloli (52359points) April 23rd, 2021

In the film, Robocop’s prime directives are:
1. “Serve the public trust”
2. “Protect the innocent”
3. “Uphold the law”
4. “Any attempt to arrest a senior officer of OCP results in shutdown”

In light of actual reality, the first 3 are hopelessly naive, with only the 4th directive being one that would actually be implemented.
What would the first 3 directives be in the real world?

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9 Answers

Smashley's avatar

1. Identify and pursue all vehicles with air fresheners hanging from the mirror.
2. Don’t get caught slipping’
3. Eat the rich

rebbel's avatar

Instill fear.
Act like you own the world.
Juggle your weapons.

Zaku's avatar

1. “Any attempt to arrest a senior officer of OCP results in shutdown”
2. “Do whatever your authorized OCP controller guides you to do.”
3. “Pretend to be a robot.”
4. “Say canned phrases to reassure the public such as telling them your directives are to serve the public trust, protect the innocent, and uphold the law.”

kritiper's avatar

1. NEVER pull a gun on someone unless you ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO and if you don’t intend to shoot to kill.
2. ALWAYS shoot to kill. Shoot them at least twice if you have to. Eliminate any threat to yourself and others.
3. BE DELIBERATE! Be sure!

filmfann's avatar

1: Snitches get stitches.
2: Don’t touch someone elses jello.
3: Don’t drop the soap.

Oops! Sorry. That’s for RoboConvict

mazingerz88's avatar

1. Don’t
2. Be
3. A racist.

flutherother's avatar

1. Avoid staircases
2. Try to smile
3. Voter fraud cases to be hunted down and shot.

JLoon's avatar

1. No on-duty sex with vending machines.
2. Accept bribes in bitcoin only.

filmfann's avatar

On January 6th, I posted the need for Congress to get an ED-209.
I still think they are now interested.

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