My point was that you didn’t emphasize that you are NOT interested in settling down with her which I am sure your silence and continuing of that relationship gave her the idea of that becoming a possibility.
it doesn’t matter at that at point that” YOU Never stated” that you loved her, it was implied by you staying together ( possibility further down the path).
Here is an example:
Man dates a women then eventually after a short while lives with her, then feel upset that she expected marriage?
He travels around the world doing same to other women and STILL he doesn’t understand.
I met this 55 Year old and explained that the women were right in that “YOU” were living with them and thus living as a married couple but without the benefits of a Marriage?
He some how thought that since he also NEVER said the LOVE word , that in his diluted
mind that he was considered not in a relationship that cumulated into a marriage, then breaks
up with every one of them for desiring a marriage?
People like that are untrustworthy no matter how many ways they entangle others in there
game of literally ‘screwing” women .
One cannot blame the women for “trusting so soon”, however once burned, they go into the “Friend Zone” and rightly so.
It takes time to consider which one that other person is going to be able to trust or mistrust, and why get that more involved only to be scared and hurt ,for life for some.
Emotional scars last a life time until they realized that they were played and eventually take precaution’s so it never happens again.
There are players and then there are those who genuinely care.
Decide which one you want to be and leave the game playing for those that go along with it.