How To Get a Deeper Voice?
I’m a 23 year old male who’s only 5’4 and I have a high pitched voice like a little boy. I got it from my mom who has a little squeaky voice. Nobody takes me seriously and this may impact my professional life. My mom told me that she has had that issue in her professional life. Everybody at my University had deeper voices than me.
Even women now a days have deeper voices. 80% of women I meet have a deeper one than mine. It’s something that makes me incredibly self conscious when I introduce myself to people. How do I make my voice deeper in order to be taken more seriously. People call me little nicknames and treat me like a child due to this.
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19 Answers
Unfortunately, I dont think there is a real way, beyond hormone therapy and surgery. These sound extreme, and I’d only do it if your voice is causing significant dysfunction.
You can use a voice modulation app for online conversation.
The best methods to help your voice sound more appealing are about technique and practice. Singers work on their voice, you can too.
You might want to try going to a voice coach. There are trainers who could help you.
Google how to make your voice deeper and you’ll get tips. I’m pretty sure a voice coach could help you since a lot of the tips include diaphragmatic breathing.
Well, just like Helium will make your voice sound higher pitched, Sulfur Hexafluoride, when inhaled, will make your voice sound lower.
As an older woman, I’m not in your situation, but my experience may be relevant. Following sinus surgery, my voice went higher and lost some timbre. I consciously trained myself to pitch it a little lower. It took a while, but the habit became ingrained, and now it’s automatic.
I have known a few men with high voices. Not squeaky, but high. One of them had a fine singing voice, probably in the countertenor range, and if you knew that, his speaking voice was no surprise.
Another with a very high tenor speaking voice did startle at first, but then it was just his voice, the same way his dark eyes were just his eyes. He was also the father of three sons, so his masculinity was not in any doubt.
A young salesperson in a store I used to frequent had the highest little-girl voice I ever heard in an adult, so childish it made me cringe. I almost felt like she was accentuating it for a please-take-care-of-me effect. I’m sure she could have changed it some with practice if she’d wanted to.
I agree with the others that there are things you can do for yourself and also ways you can be helped.
@lastexit – googling will, unfortunately, lead you to many hucksters selling harmful advice and useless supplements.
In the meantime as you come to a decision as to what to do, you can try this exercise. Take a deep breath and hum with your lips closed for as long as you can. Then take another deep breath, drop your chin down, and start to hum, then raise your head while humming. This will stretch out your vocal cords and hopefully help you achieve a voice that’s at least a little bit lower. I know it’s a little awkward but in time you’ll get used to it.
@Smashley Of course, but there are some genuine tips that might be helpful. If you can afford it a voice coach would probably be the best bet.
Your plight reminds me of an extraordinary individual I was lucky enough to know in college. The guy had so soothing and perfect a woman’s voice, that all unfamiliar with him were visibly startled on hearing it. But the guy was both brilliant and quick of wit, and so much so that within a minute of conversation the shock of his soothing contralto would invariably be supplanted by a compelling interest in whatever he had to say. In fact he would tell anyone interested “with a voice like mine, you learn to avoid or deflect conversation which calls attention to it”. It was a talent which certainly served him well, and he was popular to the point of celebrity. I’m grinning now as I think about it and wonder what happened to him.
I am not sure if this will help you, but, I think being relaxed helps to deepen one’s voice. My husband’s voice rises higher when he is on the phone with high level people in his company. He gets nervous, doesn’t breath deeply, and speaks in a more choppy way, more staccato. I tell him before calls to stand up hand on hips and say “I am superman” in a load voice, but I think he thinks I am crazy. Needless to say he doesn’t do it.
You can practice taking deeper breaths and recording yourself and playing it back, but some people really hate listening to themselves, so if that is the case don’t do that.
Keep in mind warm liquids or even a warm meal will help loosen your vocal cords (not too hot) while cold foods and liquids will tighten your vocal cords. So, when you really feel it is important to deepen your voice, you can take steps to naturally speak at the bottom of your range.
You can take voice or speaking lessons. I think with just a few lessons you will learn techniques that you can practice on your own. People utilize these types of coaches for many different reasons; to change an accent, to speak with a lower voice, and to deliver speeches, are just a few examples.
@ragingloli – Good advice Liebschen! Even if it includes dizziness, confusion, and pulmonary edema.
But it’s probably all worth it for a guy who just wants to sound all grown up & sexy ;p
Have you heard Mike Tyson speak?.
His voice is surprisingly high pitched – especially when he is excited.
Sorry to hear that. Having a nickname like Squeek is unavoidable.
A good approach would be to not speak loudly. Think Clint Eastwood when you talk.
I think @stan has a point. Maybe try to become more confident in yourself? If you are more sure of yourself, people will more likely accept your voice as part of what makes you unique instead of making fun of it.
Also maybe try distancing yourself from people who make fun of you as they aren’t worth your time?
Smoking, working in a smoke-filled bar, drinking whiskey all will lower your voice. Not recommended but true.
Stretch your neck to make it as long as possible. Don’t slouch.
I’ve known people who took elocution lessons, so that they could learn to modulate their voices in deeper tones. Stronger, lower-pitched speaking does give people an air of authority and intelligence.
In lieu of anything really helpful, you could enter into voice acting for cartoons, etc.
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