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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Have you ever accomplished your goals and felt empty after?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25193points) April 24th, 2021

What’s a good goal that leads to fulfillment?

I watched a Dave Ramsey video where a millionaire young adult feels empty.

Creflo Dollar said that the answers to emptyness is God.

I am paying off my non student loan debt rapidly, in 2 years, and I don’t see know what to do when my non student loan debt is paid?

I don’t know where to go from there?

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11 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Ok I just had two Pizza pops and coke a cola. I am feeling better. I am still curious about long term goals.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Just letting any one know that a pizza pop is a pastry with cheese and meat filling. Microwaved and perfect.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Let’s see. My goals today are:
feed the fish,
clean the pond’s main filter pump,
fill the bird feeders,
widen the ditch in the side yard,
sand the 2 cheese boards and cover them with Boos Block Board Cream
finish up the canned corned beef by slicing it thin and cooking with eggs.
complete the NY Times mini-crossword and read the comics.

So far I have accomplished 3 of my goals.
As the day goes on I will come up with others.

I am fortunate that I am in a comfortable place in life, re.: health, family, finances.etc. so I do not need to have another pressing goal.

Maybe I should make a goal to traveling a little and visit people.

JLeslie's avatar

I usually feel good after accomplishing a goal. I never was very goal oriented though. I think that’s part of my problem. Not big goals anyway.

I know I have regret when I don’t do my goals. I think for me the regret is bigger factor. Wanting to reach the goals to avoid regret, and sometimes reaching the goal is fantastic and sometimes it is just moving through life and not so incredible.

I have little goals all day long and I always feel good being able to check an item off my list.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Most of my long term goals are domestic skills in running a household. Like a food budget with food I enjoy. Paying off my credit card and $2,500 health bill. I might tackle my $25,000 student loans that are compounding at $50 a month plus $4 month extra.

I will have and extra $100 a month when my credit card is paid. In two years.

I might take high school senior chemistry, and senior physics. I would like to be introduced to calculus.

I would like to buy big and tall clothes, and a good suit.

I would like to pair down the stuff that I don’t need.

I would like to learn French and study psychology far enough to get a license to practice in Alberta.

gondwanalon's avatar

Great question.
I’m never satisfied at reaching any goal no matter how well it’s accomplished.

Inspired_2write's avatar

My goal when younger was to survive and I did.

Now in my senior years I can relax and go online to learn anything ( creative) that I want too try out.

I lately have bought a watercolor paint set and online learned how to paint different types of flowers, then I found out how to draw/paint bees in a garden.
I continue to look at how to paint different subjects so that I might be able one day to create a nice scene showing all the subjects or in part.

It turned out NOT exactly as depicted in the video but it was a good start.

I really like it now and in whatever spare time I do different subjects to learn how its done and keep them in a bound water color paper book.

I have numerous books on a variety of subjects as I like to investigate and read on things that I never thought of reading and found it an interesting way to expand my learning.

Always learn something new and one is never bored, so this pandemic thing that we are all going though has taught me to invent other ways of entertaining and yet productive ways to get through it sanely.

Keep learning, as the world has so much to offer so take advantage of your free time and learn new skills along the way.

When hiking ( hopefully this summer as more people are out on the trail ( safety in numbers)
I combine hiking with sketching ( at times) and photography plus the odd once in awhile pick one flower to press, or pick up a loose feather and keep it in a diary.

As for feeling empty, usually its after a goal that you really weren’t satisfied with so keep taking new steps into a variety of interests until you find one that holds your interest.

Goals just for goals is empty, so instead go after things that excite you.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

The answers to Creflo Dollar’s emptiness are luxury cars, McMansions, and a private jet.

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