General Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Is it better to separate teeth brushing and flossing from mouth wash?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25106points) April 25th, 2021

By how much? Do you use mouth wash right after brushing? Or do you use mouth wash before brushing teeth?

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5 Answers

give_seek's avatar

I floss and then brush, because I want to brush away bits of food loosened by the floss. I hate mouthwash and never use it.

JLeslie's avatar

If I do all three at once I brush first, then floss, then mouthwash.

I do mouthwash alone when I’m tired and just want to do something, which is better than nothing.

crazyguy's avatar

I never use mouthwash. I brush and then I floss. If I feel loose bits of food in my mouth I have a good rinse before brushing.

RocketGuy's avatar

I used to floss, then brush, then mouthwash. But I found that my mouthwash killed the “good” bacterial in my mouth and left the “bad” ones, so I stopped using mouthwash.

KRD's avatar

I floss then brush then use mouthwash.

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