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SQUEEKY2's avatar

What do you say to someone who still thinks Covid19 isn't real?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23632points) April 25th, 2021

The ones I come across still think it’s just a bad flu, over blown by the media and Government.
What does it take to convince these morons?

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29 Answers

Jeruba's avatar

I pretty much don’t want to talk to people who are that obstinate and ill-informed. Let them catch it. That might get their attention.

Brian1946's avatar

A poster at said that Covid isn’t even as bad as the flu.
I Googled the fatality rate for both of them and it was about 0.1% for the flu, and about 3% for C19.
I replied that Covid is 30 times as deadly according to the CDC stats.

Some of these disease-facilitating bozos arrive at about 0.1% for Covid, by dividing the death count by the total US population, instead of by the number of US cases.

I also received an email from someone that included an article about a woman, who died soon after getting vaccinated.

I replied, “From the article in your email:

Dr. Morris dismissed a causal relationship between her death and the COVID-19 vaccination she received just before she died. ‘Early indications are that this very sad incident is NOT RELATED to the vaccine,’ Dr. Morris said. ‘Her cause of death has not been determined; however, there were no signs or symptoms of a severe allergic or anaphylactic reaction.’

From Wikipedia about the source you referenced:

The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), founded under the name Dissatisfied Parents Together (DPT) in 1982, is an American organization that has been widely criticized as a leading source of fearmongering and misinformation about vaccines.

Meanwhile, 567,000 Americans have died from Covid-19.

The only negative reaction I had to my Pfizer shot was a sore left shoulder, which lasted about 24 hours.

You’ve been vaccinated against the flu, which is 0.1% fatal, and yet you refuse to be vaccinated against Covid, which is 2% fatal (20 times as fatal as the flu).”

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Tell them that they can give their $1,400 stimulus check back if they don’t believe.

AK's avatar

Nothing convinces them because they don’t want to be convinced. You can bring in the greatest brainy scientists to present data to them and they still won’t be convinced…because they do not want to be….so, just ignore them if you have other work to do. If you have a little bit of free time, just point at them and laugh, like they do in cartoons…..then watch them go red with embarrassment or start sputtering with anger…..good entertainment while it lasts. I did that to one of my friends and he is still angry at me for making him look like a fool, in front of other friends.

jca2's avatar

Tell them to talk to Ted Nugent.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I just tell them if it reduces my chances of ending up ass up, in diapers with a vent in my back, it’s worth it.
Also I tell them THEY are worth 15 minutes of my time.
You catch more flies with honey, than with vinegar. I keep hoping society remembers negative ennforcement rarely works. So I would never call them names or infer they are stupid. That is the worst way to convince people to do anything.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I don’t even try to engage with them. If they haven’t figured it out after a year of this, nothing will. I consider them a lost cause.

Let them get sick and die. They made their choice.

crazyguy's avatar

@KNOWITALL The carrot may work a lot better than the stick. However, the only carrot I can offer is reducing your risk of dying from COVID 10-fold, from .001 to .0001!

crazyguy's avatar

@AK Only Governments can provide a CARROT. Introduce vaccine passports, and provide privileges that you can access only after being vaccinated. In India, it may be admission to movie theaters and cricket matches.

chyna's avatar

I don’t engage with them. I feel like I have taken care of myself to the best of my ability, it’s up to them to take care of their body. Same with people who smoke. They know what it can do to them, yet they continue to smoke. I don’t say anything.

kritiper's avatar

“I hope you get it.”

rebbel's avatar

“I’m sorry you think that.”

AK's avatar

@crazyguy I have no idea what you said with me tagged in.

crazyguy's avatar

@AK Only Governments can provide a CARROT. Introduce vaccine passports, and provide privileges that you can access only after being vaccinated. In India, it may be admission to movie theaters and cricket matches.

stanleybmanly's avatar

The only thing to say is “stay away from me”

Zaku's avatar

My eyelids start refusing to raise more than 70% when looking at COVID deniers. Fortunately, I see almost none.

AK's avatar

@crazyguy That’s really helpful. A copy paste of something that is already up on the same page, which I didn’t understand the first time around, is definitely helpful.

crazyguy's avatar

@AK If you let me know which part confuses you I could try and help you out.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@crazyguy Well sure but Dems have used ‘my body my choice’ for decades. Sounds hypocritical to many in red states. I suggest a bit more grace than the replies here.

AK's avatar

Explain why you tagged me @crazyguy . And how is vaccination in India related to a question on how to deal with people who think the pandemic is not real. And how is a cricket match related to my answer….why are you even engaging with me? And pray tell, how does copy pasting the same drivel help someone understand, when they’ve already said they didn’t?

Inspired_2write's avatar

I say t them.
Keep your distance and wear a mask as required.
You have a choice to get well or get infected , and you take the consequences.

crazyguy's avatar

@AK I will grant your wish, and stop engaging with you.

AK's avatar

@crazyguy I didn’t make any ‘wish’. I can copy-paste my answers to show it to you, if you want. You tagged me, dragged India, pulled a cricket match and brought a ‘carrot’...all on your own. Now, you want to disengage. Why engage at all in the first place? Last time we clashed, you ;excused’ me and this time you grant me a ‘wish’. Don’t bother with me man. I’m smarter than you ever will be. It is a no win for you.

seawulf575's avatar

I guess I have to think about how many people I have actually met that said Covid-19 wasn’t real. I have never met one. They might not believe it is a natural disease and is, instead, the product of a lab. But that isn’t saying it isn’t real. They might believe the numbers have been greatly padded for reporting, which has come out to be a true statement, but that isn’t saying it isn’t real. They might not believe it is as horrible as has been touted. But that isn’t saying it isn’t real. They might think the actions taken to “combat” the pandemic are not effective or overkill. But that isn’t saying Covid-19 doesn’t exist. I have not seen anyone that said it doesn’t exist. How many people have you met that say it doesn’t exist?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@seawulf575 again with the padding of numbers from this epidemic why do you think the number are being inflated?
If any thing I think they are on the weak side, how many people died at home in the states because they didn’t have health insurance?

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Oh I don’t know. Maybe it is stories like this or this or even this.
Deborah Birx even gave the guidance that if a person tested positive for Covid and they died, to call it a covid death, regardless of what actually killed them.
The CDC gave similar guidance in a newsletter to medical professionals.

Why would they be inflated? Easy…to make the entire things seem worse than it really was so pushing needless controls was easier. It’s call manipulation and power…two of the big problems mankind has.

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Jaxk's avatar

I grow weary of everything becoming a way to ridicule or belittle others. The severity of Covid is quite broad. Some have very light or non-existent symptoms while others become quite ill or die. Just because someone doesn’t exhibit the same fear as you doesn’t mean they they deny the existence of Covid or that they are stupid or murderous. Everybody weighs the risks and takes reasonable action to avoid it. The problem is that ‘reasonable’ is very subjective and personal. If you choose to wait and see, I have no problem with that. If you choose to take immediate and extreme action, I have no problem with that either. Questioning the numbers or the efficacy of a treatment is not an obscure reaction, especially give the constantly changing guidance. It’s easier to call someone a moron than it is to consider and discuss their position.

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