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Is my laptop dying?
I have a Dell XPS 13 laptop. It is 5 or 6 years old.
Last year, it had trouble starting up, so I now restart it every time I shut it down. On Monday, it died suddenly during a Zoom call. The screen quit, and it restarted itself.
Any ideas about what may be happening? Can it be fixed?
The machine does not seem to overheat. I have not noticed any other issues.
If I have to replace it, I will not spend more than $1000. I am leaning toward getting a new Microsoft Surface 4 Laptop. The unit I think that would serve my purposes was priced at $950 at Costco.
I use this for work including running trainings online. I cannot have it quit in the middle of a training. I do not use it for gaming or entertainment.
I will not buy an Apple product.
I welcome your diagnosis of my current machine and thoughts on a new one to replace it.
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