Meta Question

Jeruba's avatar

If you go missing, will somebody let us know?

Asked by Jeruba (56251points) April 28th, 2021

I have a personal “notify” list for my family. It includes a member of Fluther who I am sure would pass the word here (assuming “here” is still here).

Do you? Don’t just disappear, okay?

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78 Answers

KNOWITALL's avatar

Nope. JLeslie could find me if needed though. Probably Dutchess too.

kritiper's avatar

Not likely.

chyna's avatar

I have several jellies that are friends on facebook. So if something happens to me, they will probably know, and they have my permission to tell the collective.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I have the same system as @chyna. I am friends with quite a few jellies on Facebook, and I’ve met some of them in person.

janbb's avatar

^^ Ditto. I also gave my Fluther log-in to my son at the start of the pandemic.

jca2's avatar

I’m friends with a bunch of Jellies and former Jellies on FB, so I’m sure they’ll let people know.

I often wonder about Jellies who just disappear and nobody knows what happened with them, ones who didn’t have any obvious falling out with the cast and crew here, and if they’re dead or just left for some other reason. It would be nice to know.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Yeah right. I doubt my own family would even know, they don’t answer their freaking phone half the damn time. If I croak at work or have a car wreck, I’m pretty much screwed. Which begs another question. Why the hell do people carry phones if they’re not going to answer the damn thing? By the time anyone realized I was missing, I’d be a skeleton. So what, me worry?

Brian1946's avatar

Nobody I know offline has any interest in Flooder.

However, now that you mention it, I think a member who is about 48 years younger than I am, would herald my subterranean destiny.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

@Brian1946 While after they herald your subterranean destiny, tell them to call the County Mounties in Bumfuk Texas, and if they find some bones on the side of the road, uh, that’d be moi.

Brian1946's avatar


”...if they find some bones on the side of the road, uh, that’d be moi.”

Hopefully it won’t- I’d much rather that the bones are Cruz, instead of youse!

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Nah, he’ll be swilling tequila in Cancun. Guess you didn’t get the memo.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Aw would you miss me?
I’m touched.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

That Canuckian lumberjack feller? Shore ‘nuff would miss you and ol’ Stanley B Uppity.

rebbel's avatar

I’ll probably be announced on CNN.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Thank you for the reminder. I will make sure that it happens by writing the request down and adding some names to my after death email list.

canidmajor's avatar

Oh, I imagine so. I am friends with a bunch of Jellies on FB, as is my daughter, so I’m pretty sure word would go out.

chyna's avatar

Although this is a good question @Jeruba, it makes me sad to think of all those that we have lost, and those we don’t know what happened to them,

janbb's avatar

@chyna Yes, I’ve been thinking of some we haven’t heard from in a while and wondering what happened to them.

It was a kindness of anniereborn to share with us.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I have a jelly friend who knows my real information. I hope that she can do something if I disappear.

Other than that, I don’t know what I can do in that situation. No one in real life knows I’m here.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

@Mimishu1995 Lot of folks stay anonymous online Mimi. Don’t feel like the Lone Ranger. And judging from all of the myriad online user names I have seen in older threads on Fluther, there must be a buttload of former members missing in action. Q&A sites are pretty transient at any rate. I’m hearing that Yahoo Answers is closing shop in May. Cant even post a question over there any more.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Nomore I hope we can stay in contact for as long as we can. I will make sure I let everyone know what I’m doing, if I can of course :)

stanleybmanly's avatar

Where’s Pattymelt?

janbb's avatar

@stanleybmanly She posted very recently. I think she goes and comes.

jca2's avatar

One that I know has been missing is that security guy from Savannah or somewhere from a southern state. Also, one of the conservative people whose name began with a “J.”

Mimishu1995's avatar

@jca2 I just remember a man with a name beginning with M. I wonder where he is now…

janbb's avatar

I haven’t seen McGrimm in a long time. But Josie left of his own accord a while ago.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@jca2 The person @stanleybmanly was talking about does step in from time to time,that person was getting or it seemed more and more angry at constantly defending their conservative views .
The other with a J steps in as well from time to time.

jca2's avatar

The two I was referring to were Mr. Grimm and Jerv.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I thought you meant Jaxx, sorry.

janbb's avatar

It’s my understanding that we can use names in a thread as long as it’s in a positive way, unless that’s changed.

rebbel's avatar

Well, let’s try.
And I’m very positive about this; where is

stanleybmanly's avatar

Jakx is very much with us. He is just selective and picks his fights.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Patty is fine, just talked this week. Many conservatives let me know they were leaving or popping in randomly in the last few years.

I do miss Grimmy and many others, good dude, but even non-conservatives were getting fed up with the political threads.

jca2's avatar

My feeling (guess) is that something must have happened to Mr Grimm because he didn’t express upset about the politics and he didn’t really get involved in the political discussions. He really didn’t seem to fight with people much at all.

janbb's avatar

^^ I agree.

KNOWITALL's avatar

He caught a lot of flack for choosing not to vote. After that he left. I hope he’s good, we messaged quite a bit. :(

jca2's avatar

His account is still up and I don’t see anything negative posted at him.

Jonsblonde's avatar

Back last summer I was told by a handful of veterans how awful I was and that I’m basically not wanted here. I’m living happily in Wisconsin with my family now so I decided to leave Fluther. I got tired of people sending me nasty messages or leaving nasty comments about me. Life is too short to live with such hostility.

I only returned to give my condolences to a couple people because I do have a big heart and care about some people here. I’ve known many of you for 12+ years.

Those who do care will find out from mutual friends or my husband if I should happen to leave this earth before him,

chyna's avatar

@rebbel I was wondering about @Yellowdog also. He hadn’t received his stimulus check and really needed it. I hope he is well.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

@Jonsblonde Sorry to hear that happened to you. Not that it’s any consolation, but I always liked ya. Have a great day : )

Nomore_lockout's avatar

@KNOWITALL I know this place can be political at times, but those of you folks who never frequented Y!A tain’t seen anything. That place was always a bar room brawl in the Politics section. Could be one reason it’s closing down. Just speculating here, but it makes me wonder.

ucancallme_Al's avatar

Maybe, or perhaps I got found!

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Nomore Oh I know, I’m on several but not as often as fluther.
Even when we disagree, I know many here are genuinely good people. Maybe not my people, but good hearts. Other sites have so many users its not as easy to get to know people.

Brian1946's avatar

I think Pattymelt has taken a brief sabbatical, because she was Jonesing for burgers. ;-)

JLoon's avatar

I doubt it – Or that anyone will notice.

But that’s just how it should be.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Oh I’m sure someone will notice @JLoon. And look on the bright side, at least you won’t end up as skeleton in a car, with a useless cell phone clutched I’m your boney hands, repeating the same shit over and over. We’re sorry but the user you have called is not available. Or is watching You Tube. Or is playing Solitaire. Please try again in another life. Goodbye!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@JLoon I would notice after a while. It would take a while of not seeing you, but I would notice.

Brian1946's avatar


AFAIK, you’re the only jelly who has ever dunked and you’re a woman, so I would definitely notice your absence after about a week.

flutherother's avatar

It might be a week before anyone in real life noticed I was missing never mind Fluther, but maybe I should do something about that.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

~I hope that someone would tell me if I became lost again? Not just missing.

Jeruba's avatar

@Brian1946, “dunked”?

janbb's avatar

^^ Was wondering that too.

Demosthenes's avatar

I have no system in place. I have disappeared from other online communities in the past, although I wasn’t a member of those for as long as I’ve been a member here (even if it’s been on and off). I guess I could ask my brother.

janbb's avatar

@Brian1946 Aha! I thought it might be that but wasn’t sure it there was some other meaning.

Jeruba's avatar

I thought it might have had something to do with water. Or donuts. What do I know?

Brian1946's avatar


“What do I know?”

Approximately 0.0000000000000000001% more than you did before. ;-)

rebbel's avatar

Yep, that was me, and somebody else, I believe.
Interesting answer!

Jaxk's avatar

Thanks @stanleybmanly for remembering me. I doubt my exit will cause much stir stir either here or in real life. I’ll simply fade away. That’s the way I like it.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Jaxk I’d miss you, you’re pretty awesome. Loner or not. :D

Response moderated (Personal Attack)
Jeruba's avatar

@rebbel, that question and answer have quite deservedly been deleted now. Anyway, it was a checkin.

rebbel's avatar

@Jeruba Damn, that’s a shame; I had bookmarked it for later reference…

Jeruba's avatar

It was brilliant in its way.

mazingerz88's avatar

I just might ask a friend or family or a jelly to tell other jellies that I’m dead and post my last words for each jelly that I would want to thank for all the fun times. Or…it’s also highly possible that I would request that same friend or family or jelly to take over my account and post anti-trump sentiments for as long as he or she shall live.

tinyfaery's avatar

Probably not. ¯\(ツ)

LuckyGuy's avatar

^ Well, I’d miss you. You made the world a better place!

JLeslie's avatar

Actually, fluther is not on my password sheet for my husband. I should add it. I never made an easy password to remember. When fluther locks me out I just search for the email that tells me my password from I forgot my password. The email is probably 5 years old.

Usually, my husband could just unlock my phone and if he goes to fluther I’m logged in. It’s when they fiddle around with fluther code that I need to sign in again.

I might also give my husband the phone number of a couple of jellies I know.

Furthermore, I think I will make a list specifically for if I become very ill or dying who I would want my husband to notify besides the obvious family and friends.

Good Q.

jca2's avatar

@JLeslie: If your husband posted it on FB, and tagged you, your friends would see it and then could post it here.

JLeslie's avatar

@jca2 Good point. I am completely fine with him having all of my passwords, but I am not sure if he would make the effort to post here. I think he would if he knew it was important to me. I’d want him to see what people write. I might give you my husband’s phone number so you could message him. He knows I chat with you.

I’d want my sister to see the thread too. I should write a sheet for her with information.

longgone's avatar

My husband would eventually post something, I think. He knows how important you all are to me!

stanleybmanly's avatar

That’s interesting. My wife finds my apparent obsession with the site some sort of disabling fault akin to excessive drinking or gambling. She is convinced that time “wasted” here is merely opportunity to avoid achieving anything otherwise “responsible or uplifting”.

longgone's avatar

^ I can just say that I am doing volunteer work – you should become a mod.

Also, it helps that we would never have met without Fluther :)

JLeslie's avatar

@stanleybmanly I do think it’s like an addiction in some ways, but it’s way better than drugs or alcohol. Connection with people has real health benefits. Also, we learn things here (I do) and we get some really great opinions and advice.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@longgone There’s no way in hell I would even attempt to be a mod. And though I bitch continuously over the sniveling pettiness that must inevitably arise, I am by no means unaware of either the necessity for moderation nor the impossibility of perfection in the attempt. For an agile mind, the stupefying level of lethargy alone must require skills of self discipline and control that I could never pretend to find attainable. Perhaps my impatience with the process is merely an expression of envy. After all, it’s easy to sneer in contempt when the load falls not on yourself.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@JLeslie Yes, I too find the place and people endearing, and that all by itself is intellectually indefensible. The thought of myself as a sentimental sop is almost unbearable. But enough of the sophistry. Let me turn to something more useful toward facing reality—perhaps the torment of some small animal. Ah, there’s a kitty!! Come over here for a moment. Wanna play dressup?

bob_'s avatar

Nah. Irish goodbye FTW.

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