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JLeslie's avatar

Do you think we will go through a big spike in covid cases because of Memorial Day?

Asked by JLeslie (65918points) April 29th, 2021 from iPhone

Memorial Day weekend is usually a big vacation weekend in the United States. Most states are loosening mask rules and increasing capacity rules.

What’s your guess? Will the US have a spike in cases like we have seen over and over again when holidays occur? Do you think very vaccinated cities will prove to do much better than parts of the country that aren’t vaccinated? Will Memorial Day be a test for the vaccine effectiveness? Or, is it too soon to tell?

What about a scenario where cases are up, but hospitalizations and deaths don’t go up very much?

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10 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

Yes, there will be a spike. But not so large, because 38% (?) of Americans have had one or more vaccine shots, so the affectable population will be smaller.

I’m OK with the vaccine deniers getting sick. Let ‘em infect each other and suffer the consequences.

JLeslie's avatar

I read recently 34 states and DC have more than half of adults vaccinated at least one shot. I don’t know how far behind those other 16 states are.

stanleybmanly's avatar

There have been spikes somewhere in this country following every holiday since this thing began.

JLeslie's avatar

@stanleybmanly Exactly. That’s why I asked the Q. Now we are vaccinated; some places very vaccinated.

kritiper's avatar

A spike, yes, but not so large…
Many seniors are vaccinated, but not so many young people as yet. Total of all, about 30%. We need to get to 75%-80%.

janbb's avatar

Since Memorial Day is largely celebrated outside and more people are vaccinated, I don’t think there will be a huge spike but there might be some.

JLeslie's avatar

@janbb Memorial Day was “mostly outside” last year too, and July 4. Yet, a lot of people were hysterical about beaches being open and people being outside. What we found in Florida was it wasn’t the beaches, but the bars and restaurants by the beaches. That will still be happening, just like Spring Break caused a spike in Florida. I agree about the vaccinations, and I’m hoping that makes a big difference. I just find it interesting how suddenly everyone has shifted with the CDC announcement, even though we have had the science on low transmission outside for over a year. Crowds outside are still a risk, but I’m just saying I don’t understand what is happening in this country.

robbie2499's avatar

I believe there will be a spike. (Sadly). A whole lot of people are tired of half living and mask wearing. I hope it’s not the case. I have heart of “mask burning” parties!

Jonsblonde's avatar

I was surprised to hear there was no increase in cases after the Houston Texans allowed full capacity at the season opener. That’s 40k.

If people stay outside there shouldn’t be a spike.

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