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Do you trust the cloud as a storage place?

Asked by Jeruba (56255points) April 29th, 2021

I have resisted storing or doing anything (knowingly) in the so-called cloud. I don’t trust it. I don’t trust those who own it or those who supposedly guard it.

But is paper in a box really safer and better?

A few things can go in a safe-deposit box at the bank, but how about all those records worth keeping that won’t fit in a little metal tray and that you might need faster access to, or multiple copies of?

Remote electronic files are more likely to survive fires and natural disasters, but they’re also more hackable, and they can be erased at a stroke. I, for one, feel better seeing my medical records on paper than on a computer screen.

Do you depend on the cloud for things? or what do you do instead?

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