General Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What happened to Conrad Black's Supreme Court challenge?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25198points) May 1st, 2021

He argued that if Its ok for minimum wage workers to steal a little bit, like a single French fry, then it is ok for a billionaire to steal an equivalently adjusted amount, and therefore he is innocent?

I think he got 6 months and maybe 20 years.

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3 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

He went to jail for fraud and embezzlement. I don’t think he pleaded the french fry defense.

He spent about 3 years in jail, and was pardoned by Donald Trump.

It’s a shame about his conviction. He was a good and generous man, and a philanthropist. I think his conviction was utterly unfair.

flutherother's avatar

Being convicted of fraud and embezzlement is one thing but being pardoned by Trump is unforgivable.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@flutherother I followed the case when it happened. I don’t think he was guilty; I think people were gunning for him and set him up to go down.

It doesn’t matter now; he did his time.

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