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YARNLADY's avatar

Is there a connection between the increase in UFO sightings and the mysterious radio frequency attacks affecting people in DC?

Asked by YARNLADY (46715points) May 2nd, 2021

Has anyone but me noticed?

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19 Answers

Jonsblonde's avatar

I’ve only heard about this tonight but I’m intrigued.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

I think it’s a Republican plot. ; )

mazingerz88's avatar

Wow. I was just in DC yesterday.

Walked, had a meal, sat on a bench to read, noticed a lady feeding pigeons, a man feeding squirrels and overheard a younger couple’s conversation on a Tinder date. Couldn’t help but to wonder if the two will get to hook-up that same night.

About the UFO sightings, yes I noticed there seems to be more of it in the news feeds. To try and answer the OP I have to do more reading first. Sorry.

ragingloli's avatar

Who knows ;P

rebbel's avatar

The connection: insanity?

janbb's avatar

I don’t know about the UFOs; I’ve heard they might be real. But the illnesses are being tied to possibly the Russians. They sound similar to the ones at the US Embassy in Havana a few years ago.

Smashley's avatar

If there is a connection, it’s probably in the psychology of human self deception. I find both stories fascinating, but I lean towards both of them probably not being “real” as commonly understood.

kritiper's avatar

I doubt it. The UFO’s are just some people who have too much money and too much time who construct objects that fly around.
The radio issues are attacks by foreign governments, like Russia.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Solar flares.

“Solar Storm Travelling At 1,800,000km/h To Hit Earth Tomorrow (Sunday.)”

Dutchess_III's avatar


I guess we’re just as superstitious as we’ve always been.

Yellowdog's avatar

Yes. Its them damn aliens. Build the wall!

kritiper's avatar

There was a time when pranksters would create small, silent hot air balloons out of a Styrofoam ball, some candles, and a dry cleaner’s plastic bag.. And they’d send them aloft at night. Many people would spot these strange glowing objects and report them as UFOs. The next day, people would find these balloons in their back yards. You go, kids!

Jeruba's avatar

Russian intelligence agents use radio frequency attacks as a weapon, according to what I’ve read, including the well-documented Russians Among Us. They don’t have anything to do with UFOs.

Yellowdog's avatar

@kritiper except these are shaped like upside down pyramids, not balloons or plastic bags—travel at hundreds of thousands of miles per hour, hover over nuclear and military bases, and are getting wide attention from the CIA, Army Intelligence, and the Air Force.

Smashley's avatar

@Jeruba – Although it has been speculated that some foreign power, alternatively the Russians, Cubans or Chinese, are behind these clusters of reported symptoms, no direct evidence has been made public, nor have official conclusion been drawn. Theories about the nature of the attacks are endless, but most are scientifically improbable. I’m most convinced by the psychogenic arguement.

ucancallme_Al's avatar

Imagine (I wonder if you can) that aliens actually rocked up one day, that would be whack!

gorillapaws's avatar

UFO isn’t equivalent to extraterrestrial. It just literally means unidentified. My guess is drone prototypes being tested (foreign or domestic).

kritiper's avatar

@Yellowdog Damn kids! Probably a programmed glitch in the radar matrix…
NOT extraterrestrials!

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