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elbanditoroso's avatar

[Shouldn't be NSFW] Do women get the same volume of sexually inviting spam as men do?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33765points) May 9th, 2021

Gmail, thank goodness, does a really good job of spam filtering. But every now and then I look at the spam folder to see if something important was mis-identifed.

I see a lot of sexually related spam from sites pushing women (conversations, pictures, hookups) to me. “Ukrainian women want to talk to you” and “Click here for escorts” and stuff like that.

My guess is that somewhere the spammer figured out that I was male, and used that to push out all this spam email.

The question: Do women get the same spam crap? Or does spam sent to women try to advertise enticing men?

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14 Answers

janbb's avatar

Just checked my Spam folder. Politics and sales; not a one was sexual.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Just checked mine. Genealogy related ( websites) and Vitamin ad.
It depends on what searches you were on that they determine what your interests are.
The other week I was searching for better office desks and lo and behold numerous ads for about a week showed up.
Also socks of which I was looking for.

cookieman's avatar

I’m a guy and I rarely get sexually related spam. Mine is mostly sales, travel, and food related.

AK's avatar

Spam mails are not based on your search history. At some point, you must have subscribed to something online by giving your mail id and must have filled a small questionnaire (name, age, sex, where you live, etc). That thing was actually a ‘mail id capturer’. Those guys would have added your id to their database and sold it. They know you are a male because you confessed to it in the questionnaire. That is why you should use a separate email id for online subscriptions because you never know what you’re subscribing to.

Irukandji's avatar

No. They get harassed in person instead.

JLeslie's avatar

Just checked, I never check, and I didn’t see any sex stuff.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Don’t know but it happens to me on Facebook alot. Always getting “freind requests” from women I don’t freaking know. Always younger women in suggestive clothing. Either spammers scammers or just plain desparate. “Married and Old” should be pretty much self explanatory. Perhaps I should add “broke” to the equation as well. I’m sure it happens to women as well as men.

Inspired_2write's avatar

I just got a friend request from a male named BOBO in Africa! I never answer Friend requests as for sure they are scammers. ‘My guess is that when I watched a “Scrumdillyish video” on cooking, creating foods in different ways that it was possibly a way to get numerous Facebook users to click on.

snowberry's avatar

I’m a lady. I used to get a lot of “male enhancement” ads. It got so bad finally changed my e-mail address.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Exactly @Irukandji. One example: If you accept a Words With Friends challenge from a guy you don’t know it quickly devolves into harassing messages.
It’s really bad when I use a younger me as my profile pic…like the one I have up here.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Nomore_lockout as they said above those are generated because of some thing you clicked on or some web site you visited.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

@Dutchess_III Probably, although I never visit websites with sexual content so I don’t know how they happen on my thing. And I never send requests to women, I don’t want them thinking I’m a perv. So I don’t know. Someone made a comment that I’m an unfriendly stand offish guy, which is bull crap. But oh well. Better than have people thinking I am an old creeper, too bad so fugging sad.

sorry's avatar

Lady parts here, and no.. no sex spam. I guess the algorithms know something?

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