No It just stepped up to new pastimes.
The internet has tons of things to learn while in lock down.
I prefer to keep active and I really don’t mind the lock down in the process as I spend hours, days, months, years on research anyways.
Once in a while like now in summer and some restrictions off I will hike the trails to get outdoors to break my routine and get fit.
You tube videos on how to…
I am learning how to sketch and watercolor paint .
I signed up on how to create Pop up books
( only paid under $20 for the course online of which I can go on to anytime.)
( I plan on making a family history pop up book as well… for fun. )
( I need supplies and that shop is closed for a short while so I had to pause that for now. )
I am further onto my research on an Ancestor in 1677 who signed up as a sailor to travel to
New France ( Canada) but discovered lately that he may had gone further on to South
America ( French Guiana).
In doing so I discovered what had happened in the missing years 1677–1683 where in 1683
he is located in New France and married and settled down.
The ship called The Prince Maurice was thought to had been shipwrecked but in fact is
wasn’t and the Cayenne authorities impounded that ship due to violations, fighting on that ship etc.
I found that document ( in old French) that needs to be translated and currently getting someone to do that for me.
My search continues on that Ancestor, and I have been at it for over 25 years.
In the end I hope to have a complete Family History part 2 book.