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User_12's avatar

How can I stop my temper?

Asked by User_12 (53points) May 21st, 2021

Often, when I get questions wrong too often, I can’t understand something, etc, I have angry outbursts. I know they aren’t good, but I can’t control myself. Sometimes it makes me feel immature and like a spoiled brat. I know others have it worse. How can I improve? I can hold it in outside, but not at home, very well. Thank you.

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15 Answers

kritiper's avatar

Take a deep breath and count to ten.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Judging from your posts here, you seem to have an anger issue. Maybe talk to your counsellor/doctor about that.

smudges's avatar

I’ve often been told to journal/write about whatever is bothering me, or if nothing in particular is bothering me, to just let my thoughts flow and write. It really is good advice.

Also, I don’t know your situation, but you could try talking to someone, like a counselor. Are you a male or female? I know, sounds irrelevant, but it’s not entirely. Your age would also help, but I suspect you’re not old enough to be here and that’s why you won’t say. But the reason it kind of matters is that there are certain disorders that can manifest as anger issues which occur mostly with males, and there are ages when they typically begin to show up. Would your parents be receptive to you asking them to help you find someone to talk to? It sounds like this internal anger could be the source of your “brattiness” or
“spoiled behaviors”. If that’s the case, it can be helped.

gorillapaws's avatar

Do you play sports? That’s a healthy way to release your frustration. You could even go for a run to clear your head. I also like the idea of starting a personal journal to express your feelings on paper. Also, remember that there’s no shame in talking with a professional that specializes in anger management. That’s their job, to help people who struggle with anger issues.

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AK's avatar

Self awareness is critical in such situations. It is good that you know you have a problem. The next step is to look back and see what riles you. Then, you’ll need to see if that reason is worthwhile. Does the cause hustify your anger? If yes…..then vent it out man….not in a violent way but in a controlled way. Anger is just another emotion. Bottling it up is not good. Channeling it elsewhere looks good on paper but almost impossible practically. So, I’ve discovered that it is best to release the emotions in a controlled way. It is not easy to word your sentences properly, especially if you are angry…but you’ll get the hang of it….vent your anger out whenever there is a justified reason….ignore and move on if the cause is not worth the effort…

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seawulf575's avatar

Just remember, when you panic, you’ve already lost. Panic is when your mind stops working and your emotions take full control. Losing your temper too easily is a form of that. When I was young, I’d ask my parents for something and they would say no and I’d lose my temper. But as soon as I did, they’d just beat me with logic in our conversation. My mind wasn’t working towards what I wanted. When I realized this, I started thinking things through. One day I asked for something and they said no. Instead of losing my temper, I calmly gave them my reasons for why my request was a good one that should be honored. They were completely caught off guard. They still said no that time, but I saw how NOT losing my temper really made them stop and think. Life became much more rewarding after that.

hosa's avatar

These outbursts are a result of stress accumulating subconsciously on your self..
Now you understand… There are probably a few things in your life that are contributing to
your stress, you need to take free time for yourself to CONTEMPLATE to learn and dicover these sources of stress, so you need to take it easy, do things your own comfortable way..
Also do not succumb to the pressures of society because you will always regret it..
I don’t know what you believe in but religion is the most effective approach to deal with hardships like these..

Another much more simpler and very plausible theory, is the wide intellectual and or consciousness gap between you and your family members you are dealing with..
But the way you phrased your question does not hint that theory..

The way you deal with this situation is that you prioritize and give attention to this issue in your life, dont just make It a side thing, when you do that you will be able to use your intuition to deal with these frustrating situations, your intuition is a subconscious connection between your heart and their heart, and so you will be able to appreciate and recognize them the correct way..

hosa's avatar

Please replace “ deal with” with “cure” as I am unable to edit..

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dabbler's avatar

There is always a moment when there are signs that anger is developing, but before all the emotion flares up. There is that moment when you can chose how you are going to react.
-Learn to recognize that choice point.
-Learn alternative behaviors (count to ten, take a deep breath, think it through, etc) that you will chose instead of anger.

snowberry's avatar

I used to have a temper and I thought I couldn’t control it. Then someone pointed out to me that I could be in a full blown fit, and if the phone rang, I’d answer as if everything were calm and peaceful. That was my first clue that I really COULD control it after all!

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