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mazingerz88's avatar

How have you spent more money than you needed to on a trip?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29393points) May 22nd, 2021 from iPhone

For example paying 20 more bucks for priority bus seating and then it turns out the bus was only half-full?

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7 Answers

rebbel's avatar

Extra leg space in aeroplanes.
In the ‘old’ days sometimes people with ‘normal’ seats could occupy an extra-space seat, when they weren’t sold.
Nowadays not.
If they are empty when the doors close, they stay empty.
I always book one of those seats.

jca2's avatar

I find that doing a lot of research before the trip helps tremendously. For example: are there washing machines available at the hotel, for guests to use? If so, bring some detergent pods and you can travel lighter and do a load or two while you’re staying in the hotel. You can also buy detergent in a store when you are at the location, but if you have it in advance, you are likely to have paid less for it (rather than buying it in a tourist trap store which charges higher prices). That’s just one example.

As far as spending, I tend to be fairly frugal and consider anything I spend on as far as meals or tickets to be part of the cost of the trip. Sometimes I may buy a package (for example, there’s something called “City Pass” which is available for many cities in the US, and it is comprised of tickets/admission for five or six things). Even if I don’t use everything in the package, still, if I use ⅔ of it, it still comes out to be cheaper than if I paid individually for the different things I did use.

stanleybmanly's avatar

That’s pretty much the definition for every trip, and the virus was required to get my attention. The money we did NOT spend due to the lockdown is a shocking surprise.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Worse. Visiting my sister overseas. Hotel was supposed to be included in the travel package. It wasn’t. Big buck surprise.

JLeslie's avatar

I usually research before and avoid spending too much for something, but I’m sure there have been times I could have saved and didn’t.

I actually have had more regrets not spending to be comfortable. As I get older I spend more money up front rather than hope I’ll get a free upgrade or luck out. Even when I was Titanium level Marriott frequent traveler with a strong likelihood of being upgraded I often paid for a suite at hotels like Residence Inn if I was traveling with my husband.

I leave things to luck for short flights or one night stays.

gondwanalon's avatar

I paid for tickets on line for a modern looking train ride that went from Budapest, Hungary to Bucharest, Rumania. When I got to the Budapest train station I was told I had to pay again and when the train arrived it was an old relic and a piece of shit. No air conditioning and the toilets employed onto the tracks. I should have taken a plane flight (cheaper and a lot faster).

mazingerz88's avatar

^^I would love to see those same destinations. Thanks.

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