Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

How late to work do you have to be, before your mad rush to get there as quickly as possible, turns into a leisurely stroll, because it does not matter anymore?

Asked by ragingloli (52359points) May 24th, 2021

When you are already so late, that rushing to work makes no real difference.

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7 Answers

kritiper's avatar

When I punched a time clock, the clock would register another tenth of an hour every 6 minutes. When they wanted you there and ready for work at 8 o’clock. they meant it!

rebbel's avatar

Half an hour late, I wouldn’t bother to rush.
2 minutes late, I wouldn’t bother to rush.
It’s not as if you can drive so fast as to make the clock go backwards.
My boss was pretty laid back about this.
He knew who made up for it by their work quality, and who would not (or who would sometimes stay a while longer without being asked to, to finish something.

Mimishu1995's avatar

If I was that late to work, I wouldn’t stroll, because there would be no point in showing up at all. Wouldn’t it better to save your energy altogether and take a day off instead?

doyendroll's avatar

At that precise moment when the rush evaporates into a different rush as you sing:

We. may never pass this way again.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Makes no difference where I live. I can leave tow hours early, but once I hit that Interstate I’m going no where , fast. Infrastructure has not kept up with growth in my area.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Reminds me of that song. “Some beach. Somewhere”

Patty_Melt's avatar

Apparently, right around the time stimulus checks start coming and unemployment gets extended.

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