I can't believe that the Republicans have the gall, to label The George Floyd Justice in Policing Act an "Attack against Police". Any one else shocked by the hypocrisy?
These are the same people whose followers beat a Police Officer to death with a fire extinguisher during their little temper tantrum in January…?
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63 Answers
The only thing that surprises me about right wing republican Americans these days is just how far right they are. They are beginning to make the 1930’s era German national socialists look like reasonable, well adjusted members of society.
Do you have a link to the source that claims this?
Saw it on Face Book but it’s been removed. Was just over there and it’s gone. Some one must be butt hurt. @Dutchess_III
. . . “And there are not 10 republicans who are prepared to support this,” Fauntroy said. “They might support pieces of it, but many of them represent states that will view this as an attack on police.” wusa9 dot com
I see. It’s a proposal to exempt police from the immunity they enjoy now, where they can do anything they want and get away with it. The Chauvin case showed that that is becoming history. Might as well make it official.
Hypocrasy???? From the Right???
I don’t see a source cited so I am assuming it is only your hearsay. As for the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, have you actually tried to read the bill? It is turning most of the controls on police actions into vague, manipulative statements. AND, many of the proposed changes don’t make any sense when they are talking about inserting words here or there into other bills. Those other bills suddenly become nonsensical, leaving the entire mess up to political whim. Not really where I think we need to go.
Go see tropical Willie’s post about three up up. He posted a link.
It’s for real and really really Republican !!
@Tropical_Willie Did you read on to see what they disagree with? Or did you, as I suspect, try to find one thing that was negative about Republicans and then hang your hat on that alone?
One of the concerns brought up was the unfunded cost of the bill…costs that would have to be borne by the cities, counties, and states. Any comments on that?
This bill would result in police officers spending inordinate amounts of time entering data into the database instead of policing. Comments?
Another concern was that it would paint a target on every police officer. When you basically say you can sue any police officer whenever they do something that could be seen as negative, I would say that is a fair assessment. Comments?
See, the problem is that you put forth citations like this one, but don’t actually read them or think about them. You cannot actually put forth a well thought out evaluation of even your own citation.
They are calling it an “attack on the police” because it removes the protections police have that allows them to literally get away with murder.
Do you approve of police being allowed to murder people at will @seawulf575?
@Dutchess_III You and I both know he won’t answer but we know . . . !
Let’s see it play out first.
@Dutchess_III You make it sound as if all cops are the same.
@Lightlyseared There are the far right Trump/Tea bag Party Republicans and the more moderate traditional Republicans. And some Republicans are thinking about forming their own party!
@seawulf Just wait until these cities have no police. Already a big issue in many areas.
“Just wait until these cities have no police. Already a big issue in many areas.”
Give me a source please @KNOWITALL that isn’t Breitbart.
@kritiper “You make it sound as if all cops are the same.” That really made no sense. All cops DO have the same protections.
@KNOWITALL where is the “Defund the police”, in need to drop marijuana tests ?
There are police departments that have lost 60 % of the tax base and must go to State Police instead of local and that has nothing to do with “Defund the police.”
@KNOWITALL: “Not many want to be a cop anymore”
If true, that is a good thing. A very good thing.
@Dutchess_III ”Do you approve of police being allowed to murder people at will” Let’s dissect that question.
There were 697,195 full time police officers in the US in 2019. Do they all just go out and murder people? Do you really believe that? After all, isn’t that what you are implying…that they just go out an murder people at will?
How many deaths at the hands of police do you think there have been in the US? In 2020 which was a horrible year for death by police, there were a little over 1000 deaths. But you also have to look at the circumstances surrounding those deaths. When you break it down even further to unarmed people, the number drops significantly…something like 40. So far the claim of killing at will is getting weaker.
Do you believe it is right for a criminal to use a weapon against police but the police cannot use weapons against criminals to protect themselves? Do you approve of criminals being allowed to murder people at will? Or will you agree that if a criminal or even a suspected criminal threatens the life of a police officer that officer should be able to defend himself/herself?
Do you really believe that whenever a police officer takes an action against someone, that action isn’t reviewed later? If he shoots, someone, there is always a review to determine the facts of the shooting.
I have a friend that was a police officer. He responded to a call about some guy lurking at a dead end portion of a street. The people living there called because he was making them uncomfortable. My friend drove up with his lights on, found the car, and got out of his car. As he did, the suspect got out of the car and started shooting. My friend was hit 4 times. Thankfully his bullet proof vest stopped 2 of them. He managed to pull his gun and shoot back, killing the suspect. Would you say that was murdering at will? I mean, a cop killed someone, right? Even that shooting was reviewed. It was obvious what happened, but that isn’t good enough. The police did not see that as a bad shooting…he was justified in using that force. Would you say that was a cover up?
The problem with your question is that it lumps all deaths by police into the same bucket…the same way if you apply the provisions of the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act. It starts with a flawed idea and then treats that as fact. You question is worded in a way that is bogus on the surface, but designed to put the one being questioned in a position of either saying they support killing by cops or they don’t…a false equivalency. Again…much the same as the GFJPA.
I’m not even listening to you, or reading your walls of text anymore @seawulf575.
@Dutchess_III Ahhh….throw out a challenge and then run away when it is answered. Your status in the Lefty club is secure. Rest easy.
Blah blah . . . .is you answer.
. . and I feel you think Chauvin was found guilty and should have been found innocent.
You don’t throw out “challanges” @seawulf. You throw out words and words of nonsense.
Please keep your answers compact. No one here is going to read walls and walls of text, endlessly repeating itself.
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@Nomore_lockout He wasn’t murdered, he wasn’t even hit with a fire extinguisher, he died from natural causes.
” Capitol Police officer Brian D. Sicknick suffered two strokes and died of natural causes a day after he confronted rioters at the Jan. 6 insurrection, the District’s chief medical examiner has ruled.”
” Democratic House managers arguing for then-President Donald Trump’s impeachment said Sicknick was killed by rioters, citing a New York Times story that said police initially believed Sicknick had been struck with a fire extinguisher. The Times later updated the story saying there was no evidence of blunt-force trauma.”
And even assuming that’s true, which I don’t, (I can play the fake news card too, “oh what a tangled web we weave”), it doesn’t excuse the rebellion, which is why Repubs in Congress are fighting so hard to stop an investigation. But I’m sure if it had anything to do with Hillary (their favorite bug bear) there’d have been forty investigations and counting by now.
@Nomore_lockout Huh. So @cheebdragon just gave you a quote showing your original question was based on bogus, debunked facts, and you are still pushing it? Amazing.
I have to side with @seawulf575 on this one, @Nomore_lockout.a A few seconds of Googling will tell you he died of natural causes the day after the riots.
@Dutchess_III Well, coming from you I’ll believe it. Good to know. Still no excuse to white wash the insurrection though.
Bogus, debunked facts? Police were attacked during you little revolt. If I was wrong about that, it’s still no excuse, And Repubs in Congress are still thwarting the investigation. But they investigated Hillary over thirty times, I stick by my post, Republicans’ are hypocrites. @seawulf575
And no mention by our local conservatives about far right groups openly encouraging a coup d’etat. Of course.
It’s such a weak argument, I don’t know why you even bothered.
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@Nomore_lockout Well which is it? Were the cops attacked or did they let the protesters in? By the video I posted, it looks like they opened the doors and watched as the protesters walked by them. Not a single one looked edgy and none of them were attacked.
The problem here is that there was a lot of false stories started from the very beginning. I don’t agree with walking into the capital building in protest. I don’t agree with putting my muddy shoes on the Speaker of the House’s desk. But I don’t agree with the idea it was an armed, violent assault on the building either. We have seen FAR more violence from BLM and Antifa and you seem okay with that. So it really isn’t even the reported violence that bothers you. It’s that the Republicans did exactly what the left has been doing. If you find this sort of protest unreasonable, then, unless you are a hypocrite, you need to denounce each and every time some city had to put up with arson, looting, assaults and murder at the hands of the left’s storm troopers.
“Were the cops attacked or did they let the protesters in ?” yes they did both !
It is not either/or; but action by some cops to let the rioters in and try to get Trump elected by overthrowing the election process – - Didn’t work . . . and along with Republican Members of the House giving a private tours (during a shutdown) the day before and pointing where Nancy Pelosi’s office was located. What was that but showing tactical places to attack ? ?
I know why you keep bringing up BLM and Antifa, which are both against FASCIST groups . . . !
They wanted to get the Fascist President (Trump) out of office and you don’t like that idea.
@Tropical_Willie Sorry, it is an either/or option. There really isn’t proof of the attacks on cops and it doesn’t make any sense if they were not restricting the protesters. Why would you attack someone that is helping you?
As for BLM and Antifa, they ARE Fascists. Well, BLM is communist/Marxist, but Antifa is right up there with the Brown Shirt Thugs of yesteryear Germany.
Antifa by definition is Anti FASCIST and ANTI Trump ! So much for your logic,
Proud Boys and Oath Keepers are fascist THUGS, for hire by Trump.
^ This is his shtick (People who fight against fascism are the real fascists. People who fight against racism are the real racists. etc).
@Tropical_Willie Yes, Antifa took on the moniker of Anti Fascist. However, their tactics ARE fascist. Look at the similarities between them and Hitler’s Brown Shirt brigades. They both are trying to change society to favor a specific political party. They both physically attack and intimidate anyone that dares to oppose their goals. They both have the protection of the political party to allow them to act however they want. So how are they NOT Fascists, other than in name?
@product You, too, can feel free to jump in and answer the question I just posed to @Tropical_Willie. Or is it your shtick to just make little snipey comments and run away?
“Yes, Antifa took on the moniker of Anti Fascist. However, their tactics ARE fascist. Look at the similarities between them and Hitler’s Brown Shirt brigades. They both are trying to change society to favor a specific political party. They both physically attack and intimidate anyone that dares to oppose their goals. They both have the protection of the political party to allow them to act however they want. So how are they NOT Fascists, other than in name?”
. . . in your opinion but not backed up with facts.
“They both have the protection of the political party to allow them to act however they want.” . . you mean like the GOP tours for Proud Boys and Oath Keepers on
January 5th while the US Capitol is shutdown.
@Tropical_Willie In other words, you can’t really explain how Antifa isn’t Fascist other than to say they aren’t. Oh and trying to deflect. Got it.
That is
definition @seawulf575 !
Nobody elses but you’re happy with it.
^ Stop wasting your time. He redefines words to mean their opposite. He’s a guy who actually took part in a fascist movement, and therefore needs to divorce fascism from its meaning. This shtick is exhausting, and there is no arguing with it. In his world, the real feminists are those who want to restrict womens’ reproductive freedom. The real fighters for democracy are those who are trying to end democracy. The real xenophobes are those who don’t support ultra-nationalist anti-immigrant policies. Real anti-imperialists are those who support military and economic violence against other countries. Real transphobes are those who want to normalize trans men and women.
I’m other words these people live in their own little reality, and there is no reasoning with them, or shaking them out of
it. Leave them to stew in their phantasy and alternate reality.
@Tropical_Willie This is a wonderful article that highlights the similarities between not only Antifa and the Brown shirts, but the leftist media outlets and the Nazi propagandists.
@Tropical_Willie I think what you are missing is that the Nazis were left wingers. I know, you will scream they were right wingers! But that really was because they were right of Stalin’s regime. They were the the National Socialist German Worker’s Party. Doesn’t get much more left wing than that, unless you go into Stalin’s world to the East.
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