Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

[NSFW] Do you think this is journalism gone too far?

Asked by ragingloli (52371points) June 2nd, 2021

With establishments reopening, a Danish journalists interviewed people at a swinger club, and asked them what it is that makes them go there. One guy answered “you should try it, and find out”.
And so she did.

How far would you go for your job?

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91 Answers

janbb's avatar

Maybe she bit off more than she could chew?

rebbel's avatar

Embedded journalism, is what it’s called, I believe.

ragingloli's avatar

Bedded, in this case, surely.

sorry's avatar

Scandinavia, man. ;)

mazingerz88's avatar

Gone too far? Maybe not. If she uses the same approach interviewing a serial killer or a pedophile then yes, gone beyond too far.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Why not? She’s the journalist. Sounds like it was her choice. Not for me or you to judge.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Wasn’t the best sex she ever had! LOL!!

kritiper's avatar

Journalists aren’t usually the brightest bulbs in the chandelier.

Dutchess_III's avatar

SMH. Men have sex and talk about it all the time. How is this any different?

JLoon's avatar

Not the best sex I’ve ever heard either… “klask, klask klask”.

Film at 11 ?

SnipSnip's avatar

That was not a display of any kind of journalism.

@Dutchess_III They did it while on air…that is the difference.

stanleybmanly's avatar

It was certainly not the first time a woman used money as her rationale for putting out. After all, it’s certainly a more lucrative and reliably viable profession than journalism.

sorry's avatar

@stanleybmanly She was only paid for her reporting because she had sex? I don’t think so.

flutherother's avatar

If you don’t know the difference between sex and journalism you probably shouldn’t do either.

crazyguy's avatar

I cannot think of any job other than journalism that may present opportunities like the one described. Can you?

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sorry's avatar

Thank you, Luckyguy…. THIS was meant to the be the link about having sex in an MRI machine.

sorry's avatar

So interesting to see the responses to this. The puritanical American culture is still alive and well. As well as the sexist culture because we all know if it was a guy doing this, the response would be TOTALLY different.

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stanleybmanly's avatar

@sorry I didn’t say that she was ONLY paid for having sex. I said that she was paid for doing “her job”. She’s but a “contractor”. She’s just figured a way to skirt the law and mores. The paper pays her, not the “client”. The paper is in effect her pimp.

sorry's avatar

@stanleybmanly I think you might misunderstand how employment works in Denmark. The Radio Station didn’t encourage her to have sex. It didn’t pay her more for having sex. She did it as part of her coverage of the event. Like you might have a glass of Champaign or hug someone involved with the event. She simply took it further, given the theme of the event. She was not paid anymore for her extra efforts.

Dutchess_III's avatar

How come the word “pimp” never comes up in conjunction with men having sex?

sorry's avatar

@Dutchess_III and there you have the test of the DOUBLE STANDARD. They are saying this woman is a prostitute only because of her sex.

Dutchess_III's avatar

She just lays there like she always does, while the guy has the best sex of his life! But she catches shit and insults….but the guy is praised for having such great sex.
It’s 6 kinds of messed up.

stanleybmanly's avatar

No. I’m saying EXACTLY the opposite. She evaded the label of prostitution through inserting the newspaper between her and the money! And who says the guy had the best time of his life?

sorry's avatar

Well… at least Danish standards are different from the ones used here. Holy double standards, batman.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Why does the woman need a lable at all??
And what lable do we give the guy @stanleybmanly?

stanleybmanly's avatar

@crazyguy sorry is missing the real news in his assessment of you. If you cannot think of another job wherein there are enhanced opportunities for sex, you are a soul devoid of any and all imagination.

sorry's avatar

@stanleybmanly No.. not really, that is what my link to the MRI study was about.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@sorry standards be damned! You Danes are drug around by your equipment just like the rest of us. This woman is heroic in that she managed to have hers “serviced” get paid in the process, and avoid prosecution. She “beat the system”.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Dutchess III how about happy, maybe lucky.

sorry's avatar

@stanleybmanly you sound jealous. Also.. I’m not a Dane, but know plenty of them.

Dutchess_III's avatar

She said it wasn’t the best sex she ever had, ie she didn’t have an orgasam. But you can bet the guy did. So who got “serviced”?

sorry's avatar

@Dutchess_III Exactly. It was almost as if she let herself be used by situation to prove a point. Imagine that. I just asked my sister about this and she said she’s use it as a demonstration of how these situations favour the men and how they want to get off. She added that a ‘women only’ sex club would be better.

stanleybmanly's avatar


sorry's avatar

@stanleybmanly She would have been paid regardless. What’s your damage, man?

janbb's avatar

To answer the original question as to how far you would go for your job, as a librarian, I did it by the book.

(Taking a break from my popcorn eating.)

stanleybmanly's avatar

@sorry Of course I’m jealous. I would LOVE to be paid to do it.

sorry's avatar

@stanleybmanly but she WASN’T paid to do it.

janbb's avatar

And jumping into the fray, @stanleybmanly, you think that prostitutes enjoy the sex they are paid to do?

sorry's avatar

@janbb… but you know the men do… because they keep paying for it.

stanleybmanly's avatar

No. It’s a job! That’s the tragedy. It can be a dangerous, dirty and degrading job. But then again.

By the way, have any of you watched the first season of the Girlfriend Experience?

Dutchess_III's avatar

@sorry…it all comes down to an orgasam. Men come by them so easily.

sorry's avatar

@stanleybmanly tell us what you think ‘the Girlfriend Experience’ is about.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@sorry you’re saying she would have been paid whether she did it or not. I’m saying that she managed to work it into her “job” and considered it a bonus. AND I AGREE WITH HER.

sorry's avatar

I think she considered that she gave the men a ‘bonus’ and she didn’t get one. She opted into the experience. that’s it. Americans are so puritanical about sex that this just blows their mind and they can’t handle it.

stanleybmanly's avatar

The Girlfriend Experience is a sort of parable so far (season 1). It’s about a law student who slides into a parallel career as a rather elite hooker. But that isn’t what makes the series so riveting by the 4th or 5th episode. The tale is riveting as a parable on how what appears a great good fortune can bite you in the ass.

sorry's avatar

BUT..I just want to be clear here.. that everyone’s sexual context is valid. How ever you view the act of sex is OK….. I just want folks to be more understanding of the personal choices. You can be bi or homosexual… or demisexual or asexual…. it’s all valid and worthy of respect and no one should ridicule it. In this house, we are allies. We are on your side, if you feel like a round peg in a square hole, you are not alone. Our moto here is ‘Be kind and Just be and just Love’. Love who you are and love who you love. Be sexy if being sexy feels good. Or don’t be sexy, if you don’t want to, because that’s ok, too. In this house, we understand asexuality and demisexuality. We understand bisexuality and homosexuality. We understand the scope of sexual attraction and the rainbow of colours that come with it. We are learning about the scope of gender identity. Human beings are complex. The science and data back this up. This is what is at my home.

stanleybmanly's avatar

That’s certainly the way it SHOULD be. God knows we’re all wired differently when it comes to our equipment and the uses we put it to. And I am certainly fortunate that I came of age just in time for the pill and the glorious liberation of women. And in keeping with my hapless undeserved streak of good luck found myself in the one place in this country distinguished for an unbelievable concentration of independent women eager to exploit that liberation where due to Vietnam the women my age outnumbered the men by 7 to 1. There will never be another time or place to match it!

sorry's avatar

@stanleybmanly yep…so why judge the reporter doing this interview?

stanleybmanly's avatar

You just don’t get it. I judge her only smart, happy and PAID. And Dutch is right. SHE is the one you should accuse of jealousy.

sorry's avatar

you wrote: It was certainly not the first time a woman used money as her rationale for putting out. After all, it’s certainly a more lucrative and reliably viable profession than journalism. You are intimating very clearly that she got paid because she had sex with the men.

sorry's avatar

Also.. you use the word ‘happy’..... You don’t know how she felt about the interaction.

sorry's avatar

She seemed very ‘meh’ about the sex interaction.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Why is that untrue? It isn’t MY fault that THIS society dictates that a woman requires an excuse to put out. God knows that I wouldn’t have it that way. It isn’t MY choice. I thought she stated that it wasn’t the best ever, but she had a good time. Let me read it again. Dammit Loli’s done it again.

sorry's avatar

@stanleybmanly Try to imagine the interaction with no judgemental prejudice.

stanleybmanly's avatar

The quote is “..yes, I enjoyed it..”. How should I “judge” that?

sorry's avatar

@stanleybmanly Not the point…. not at ALL the point.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I think we’re talking at cross purposes. I said she’s happy. She says she enjoyed it. I say she got PAID. What OTHER point is left?

sorry's avatar

@stanleybmanly You are pointing correlation between points that are not accurate. You want folks to think she got paid MORE because of what she did, because that suits your expectations of a woman exposing herself to a sexual opportunity. But if a man did that, you would expect that he PAID money for it.

stanleybmanly's avatar

No, no. I don’t want folks to think anything beyond what she wrote. I don’t claim she was payed a cent more or less than she would have had she kept her pants on and interviewed the man in a Starbucks. What I am saying is that she managed to have sex and legitimately claim that it was in accordance with her job. What HONEST man would not envy and admire THAT?

Dutchess_III's avatar

She never said she enjoyed it. She said “It was not the best sex” she ever had.
Can you imagine a sexual encounter that leaves one simply bored?

stanleybmanly's avatar

Read her quote again Dutch. We guys do climax at the drop of a hat, but she quite plainly states that she enjoyed it.

ragingloli's avatar

She did actually say that.
“Yes, I enjoyed it, even though it wasn’t the best sex of my life. But the men in this club are very polite and very considerate”

Anyway, you can listen to the radio broadcast, as her escapade was recorded:
It starts at about 46 minutes in.

stanleybmanly's avatar

46 minutes??? Loli how do you find this stuff?

Dutchess_III's avatar

You can enjoy sex without an orgasam.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I agree. Getting there is a LOT of the fun. But I think for guys, getting there is a lot more “automatic”. But it’s so much more fun if you can bring your partner with you. Otherwise, why even the requirement of a partner? Just think about the effort and expense expended with the inclusion of a partner. Then there is the devastating risk of humiliation. It’s enough to make you shiver!

JLoon's avatar

Excuse me boys & girls. I can see we’re all having fun with each other, and no money has changed hands – So it must be true love.

But to go back to the actual (almost serious) question: “Is this taking journalism too far?” I think it depends on the public value of the information in the story. What you can gather from her reporting is :

• Groups of people with open attitudes toward sex often associate with each other.
• Guys like to fuck.
• So do women.

None of that is news, and none of it depends on how much or even if she got paid. It’s just not serious journalism (and evidently not even good sex). So what you’re left with is something more like a satire or parody of the so-called insider journalism that purports to deliver “facts” from direct sources in real time. God knows most of that junk deserves to be laughed at. And I did laugh.

So if her aim was have some fun and point out what a game the “news” business has become, good job. She could have gone farther – but most guys just can’t last ;)

stanleybmanly's avatar

It isn’t that guys can’t last. Foreplay is more essential than most men think or believe, and even then, women and men are so varied among individuals that who can predict the outcome sexually. In the end, if you are attracted to someone sexually, it’s almost a relief to get it out of the way, if only to get on with the friendship.

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Dutchess_III's avatar

Could a guy “interview” a woman while they’re having sex?

crazyguy's avatar

@stanleybmanly Sexual attraction is rarely a one-time thing. Therefore, I am not sure how you can ever get it out of the way.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I got it out of the way with Rick the first time he came to my house. Also, I couldn’t get him to shut up any other way!

stanleybmanly's avatar

@crazyguy By get it out of the way, I mean you decide as quickly as possible whether the sexual attraction is to be the extent of the relationship. It was so baffling how sexual attraction could result in lasting friendship, and just the reverse with genuine friendship developing into sexual involvement. Thinking back, nothing has ever confused me more than the whole jumbled mess. For most of my life, I’ve generally assumed that most women would not give me the time of day, and was justifiably suspicious as well as surprised when proven wrong. Man, have I got some stories on things not being as they appear.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@DutchessIII Perhaps there are men who could, but I am certainly not one of them. In fact, I don’t think there can be many men who can even approach a woman’s capability at “muliti-tasking” with sex in the equation. You can bet your ass that if there is a hell, half the men populating it are there exclusively for swapping their souls in the midst of some sexual throes. Heaven must be a rather dull and LONELY place.

crazyguy's avatar

@stanleybmanly Thanks. You were talking about the possibility (or not) of a one-night stand, while I was referring to a longer-term relationship.

@Dutchess_III I assume Rick is your current man. With my wife of over 47 years, we have not got sex out of the way. In fact it is still a major driving force in our relationship. Even though other aspects have been getting stronger.

Dutchess_III's avatar

My “current” man? What an odd phrasing of it.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@crazyguy that’s what I mean by bewildering. There were women who didn’t give a hoot about friendship and look to you for a “good time”. Then along comes a woman just dripping with appeal and every man drooling over her. I have the sense to look at her, then look realistically at myself and can only conclude “no way in hell”. Two days later SHE ASKS ME OUT. Jackpot right? Wrong! We’re at dinner. And I’m scheming on my favorite tactic—stuff her so full of delicious food that she will be unable to run—when just as it seems all is going perfectly (plenty of wine with dinner) the truth comes out—the awful truth. With a big smirk, and over a table laden with empty plates of ravishing carnage appropriate to a battlefield I am informed with a smirk: “I have no interest in sex with men.” I’m startled back to sobriety as I immediately stare at the battlefield calculating the trauma inflicted on my wallet!! She, on the other hand, sits blissfully tipsy and bemused at my expression as I ask “well why go out with ME?” This made her laugh, and she repeated “why go out with me?” in a shrill voice making sure I understood that SHE understood that whether I knew it or not, I was telling her “I’ve been robbed”. And to prove it she merely pointed at the battlefield while that beautiful face just sparkled as she laughed and charmed the hell out of the other tables. She then told me that she would split the bill since she asked me out, but by then I was more curious in knowing “why me?”. So I asked again. You know what she said?

stanleybmanly's avatar

She told me that I would never meet a better judge of character than herself. Modesty was not her strong suit and I didn’t hesitate in telling her, and added that holding her wine was an additional liability. Neither made the slightest distraction from her delight in “sizing me up”. You’re fun, look like you can take a joke and look like you would never hit a girl. Besides you’re skinny as hell and if I had to I could probably beat the shit out of you if you give me any trouble. And with that, she laughed so hard and loud that the other tables were visibly amused and enjoying it, and I was laughing too. It was so funny that she couldn’t catch her breath and I was starting to lose control as well. It was SO funny. She then struggled to say “I’m also probably smarter than you (and she probably is) then bent over the table roaring and trying to catch her breath. When she finally did sit up, she composed herself and added: “Besides, any woman can look at you and see that you’re one of those cuddlers. You don’t even know HOW to be mean to a woman”. She was and remains a humbling experience and is still funnier than shit.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Women quickly learn to become good judges of character. Our lives depend on it.

stanleybmanly's avatar

That certainly makes sense and goes double for bombshells. But she WAS definitely fun with no sex, and it was enough to nearly send me to therapy. I had never anticipated ANYTHING resembling that.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

My head just exploded. The result of too much Catholic/Baptist brainwashing as a kid. Six of one, half dozen of the other, all full of shit with sexual hang ups.

ucancallme_Al's avatar

Journalists are often criticized for not caring, she clearly gives a fuck!

sorry's avatar

I hope she gets promoted.

crazyguy's avatar

I hope she wants to interview me some time.

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