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zenvelo's avatar

Who played a woman better?

Asked by zenvelo (39587points) June 4th, 2021

Dustin Hoffman (Tootsie) or Robin Williams (Mrs. Doubtfire).

Each were better than Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis

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18 Answers

Dutchess_III's avatar

That’s a tough one!

cookieman's avatar

Dustin Hoffman looked fairly attractive and attempted a realistic voice. Robin Williams, while hilarious, looked like my aunt Phyllis and sounded like Hugh Grant on helium.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Out of those two, Robin Williams was more appealing.
Tyler Perry- Madea for the win though.

ragingloli's avatar

Matt Lucas as Vicky Pollard, or David Walliams as Margaret Blackamoor.

janbb's avatar

Lemon and Curtis were deliberately very broad so I find them the most effective. In terms of believability, I don’t find any of the three very compelling as women.

ucancallme_Al's avatar

Norma(n) Bates

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ucancallme_Al Good one! :) Glad you’re alive, I heard the variant is really hurting the UK. Be safe!

Patty_Melt's avatar

Dustin Hoffman, hands down.

Robin used a lot of latex.

cookieman's avatar

If we’re venturing beyond the original question, I have to say Bugs Bunny in drag is a thing to behold.

filmfann's avatar

Lemmon/Curtis were farcical.
Williams was slapstick.
Hoffman was comedy, but not over the top.

Best performance by a man as a woman? Jaye Davidson in The Crying Game.
I know a lot of people who screamed.

janbb's avatar

@filmfann You are so right! And trans man was Hillary Swank as Brandon Teena in “Boys Don’t Cry.”

filmfann's avatar

@janbb Also Linda Hunt in The Year Of Living Dangerously.

ucancallme_Al's avatar

Actually, in terms of fanciability…Jeff Bridges brief cameo as a hot blonde in Thunderbolt & Lightfoot.
That bitch turned me on :D

ucancallme_Al's avatar

@KNOWITALL Meh, I’m bulletproof baby ;-}

doyendroll's avatar

Best performance by a woman is a separate award.

filmfann's avatar

Special award to John Lithgow in The World According To Garp.

Yeahright's avatar

@filmfann Unforgettable Roberta!

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