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Strauss's avatar

If you take care of chickens, does that make you a chicken tender?

Asked by Strauss (23853points) June 7th, 2021

And if those chickens are destined to become chicken tenders, does that make you a chicken tender chicken tender?

But what if you take care of them in a loving and caring way? Does that make you a tender chicken tender chicken tender?

one more thing!

If you are fearful, but still do this, does that make you a chicken, tender, chicken tender chicken tender?

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14 Answers

Strauss's avatar

Reminds me of a chicken prank that I tried when I was younger, but I just couldn’t “pullet”!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I’m not about to run afoul of this thread.

Jaxk's avatar

^^^ – Chicken!

zenvelo's avatar

@Strauss That would have earned you a pullet surprise…..

chyna's avatar

You guys seem to be winging it.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Don’t egg him on !

janbb's avatar

Sounds like a cock and bull story to me. Cluck, cluck

Or just a roast?

Strauss's avatar

Just a yolk!

rebbel's avatar

On a similar note, did you know that the following is a correct sentence?

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo

kneesox's avatar

Depends on where you are in the pecking order.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Be careful what you say; you don’t want to upset anyone, so you have to walk on eggshells.

chyna's avatar

^ Eggzactly!

ucancallme_Al's avatar

Folk used to use chickens as currency to barter with.
Must have been legal tender.

kritiper's avatar

Well, if you tend to free range chickens, then you’re a chicken ranger.

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