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elbanditoroso's avatar

Will Trump supporters try and take over the White House while President Biden is in Europe?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33700points) June 9th, 2021

on a business trip

Do you see a possibility for Insurrection II where Trump supporters invade and occupy the White House while Biden is gone?

Would you put it past them?

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29 Answers

JLeslie's avatar

They won’t try. Maybe one stray lunatic, but it won’t be throngs of QAnons storming in like Jan 6th.

chyna's avatar

^”stray lunatic “. tee hee

elbanditoroso's avatar

Lunatics are like cockroaches. There is never just one. They swarm.

stanleybmanly's avatar

There is little chance for those tragically deluded souls to acquire the competence to pull it off. And if Biden isn’t there—what would be the point?

zenvelo's avatar

Trump has been telling people at Mar-a-Lago that he will take over in August, not June.

He needs practice putting on his pants over his Depends for Men.

kritiper's avatar

If they did, true patriots would run the rabble out.

rebbel's avatar

…till Biden is in Europe.
Maybe, it’ll be for just a short period, and they can house sit it.

”...while Biden is in Europe.

JLeslie's avatar

@elbanditoroso Usually, only one or two are out in the light, the rest are hidden behind the cracks in the walls.

@zenvelo Trump laughs all the way to the bank at how he can manipulate his groupies.

zenvelo's avatar

@JLeslie That’s called “grift”.

Inspired_2write's avatar

No, but don’t give them any ideas on that possibility.

JLeslie's avatar

@zenvelo I had to look it up! It said small scale swindling. His is in the millions, but I agree he runs it like a petty swindler.

mazingerz88's avatar

If that’s the case I better buy a popular food truck franchise in the DC area.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@mazingerz88 Also port-a-potties. Unregistered protests will get messy.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

No I would not put it past them. I would not put anything past those morons. I’m still appalled by Jan. 6 and the idea that they have the audacity, or are out of touch with reality enough, to be in denial about it.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Why would any of us give a heads-up?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

30% of the GOP think Trump will be back in the White House in August !



Nomore_lockout's avatar

Why do Republicans hate America?

Patty_Melt's avatar

Republicans cannot be grouped together, nor can Trump supporters.
Trump has had support from independents, and yes, democrats. Republican voters, and Republican politicians are not the same. Politicians pander. Many Republican politicians have no interest in conservative issues, they simply feel conservative voters are who they can best appeal to. Don’t get too excited, Democrat politicians have the same thoughts. Voters are stuck with voting for who they think will really pursue the values they your. On either side, sometimes we get it wrong. On both sides, we experience feelings of betrayed trust.
Trump supporters don’t agree with every single thing The Donald says, but we know that what he says absolutely represents what he will try to accomplish.
Democrat politicians knew this, so they worked hard to put a negative spin on every single thing he stood for. They made good policy look bad, so by the time various things were put in motion, people already hated those things, no matter how much good results might produce. Trump is not insane, and he does not support anybody gathering into violent, brainless mobs. However, there are nutjobs everywhere, and some want to believe they can move Trump support forward with heinous behavior.

By the way, Trump is not pursuing presidency, in spite of millions begging him to. He is following other paths to help our country. He is putting his support behind other people, for various political endeavors, including possibly one of his kids. Don’t expect Baron to run for anything. He is 6’ 7” tall, but still only sixteen.

Many people have left the Democrat party, and support Trump, but don’t consider themselves Republicans either.

True Trump supporters know we have no reason to storm the WH because even if successful, it would be pointless. More likely, a group of conspiracy weirdos would try such a thing just so they could have amazing selfies to post of themselves acquiring a cool place for a 100 hour long kegger.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Fascinating editorial comment and utterly unrelated to the question posed.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Really? That tells me how much of it you read.
I included those details which I did, to support my approach in answering the question. I am unaware of a rule against supporting thoughts .

JLeslie's avatar

Even if successful, it would be pointless. What does that mean?

Patty_Melt's avatar

If protestors stormed successfully, Trump would not join in. As I stated, he does not support crazy violent mobs.

Notice also my statements regarding Trump’s intentions of being president again.

So, attempts by anyone to overtake the WH would not put someone else in residence.

JLeslie's avatar

If they storm the Capitol they are no longer protestors they are criminals.

Trump plays his followers like a violin. He goes off camera and laughs at how easy it is.

JLeslie's avatar

Sorry for a second post in a row but:

@Patty_Melt I have to ask, are you saying if storming the Capitol would change things it would be worth it? If it could put Trump back into office?

mazingerz88's avatar

This is undeniably a trump supporter in denial who would believe this nonsense.

“Trump is not insane, and he does not support anybody gathering into violent, brainless mobs.”

So depressing that trump, a reality TV show host was picked as champion by desperate Americans in want of a savior.

trump is a sociopath douchebag with more than half a million Americans dead during his time playing President and now after being kicked out of power is more deranged and dangerous as ever. He is still playing the role of the savior to misguided Americans.

I don’t know which is more sad, Americans who use trump for political gain despite believing and knowing for a fact that he’s an asshole or those who think he is a human being worth paying attention to. And defending. Just flush this turd down the toilet already.

Then look for another leader who is a decent human being.

stanleybmanly's avatar

One thing I’ll say for Ms. Melt is that she’s loyal to a fault. She defends that craven idiot as though he were one of her own children. Before the mods delete this, let me mention that the actual reason the fool did not participate in the riots (as he actually promised the suckers he would) is because in addition to the plethora of other faults, he is a coward! Indeed, the only REAL talent the man possesses beyond being totem for the gullible is an uncanny knack for sending others to jail for the crimes he instigates.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Patty Melt. You got it wrong. Trump told the mob to head to the Capitol and told them SPECIFICALLY that HE would be there to lead them. But of course he was nowhere to be found leaving the chumps to take the fall. He may well swing for it. The race is on to see which prosecution finally gets him.

Patty_Melt's avatar

@JLeslie, I can’t imagine how you take that from what I said. I said precisely the opposite. I don’t support the notion of trying to take over the WH. I would not applaud any effort to do so. Good Lord, I spelled it all out in length, as was pointed out by @elbanditoroso. I don’t expect any such attempt. I would not celebrate if an attempt were made. I am convinced Trump would not become involved. I don’t think Trump should run for president, but that’s okay, because neither does he.

Now as for ratchet jaw, I mean stanley, pure fiction coming from you. I wanted Trump to run for president since 1979. I never watched The Apprentice, a couple episodes of Celebrity Apprentice because of who was on. I thought the show was a waste of his skills.
For those not old enough to know of him prior to the Apprentice, my mention of The Donald was the nickname his first wife had for him.

That was back when Oprah still liked him.

For context

JLeslie's avatar

@stanleybmanly I actually don’t think he specifically said he would be there to lead them. My impression was Trump said he would be with them and left it up to interpretation. Very clever.

@Patty_Melt When Trump first wanted to run for President I was interested in how he would affect the political conversation, because years before he spoke about WS being a real problem in the country, he questioned Bush letting the Saudis fly out of America the second we allowed flights again after 9/11. During the debates he supported Planned Parenthood and healthcare for all, and talked about how the healthcare industry is full of thieves. He never seemed religious to me at all in the last 40 years that I have been aware of him. He said a trans person can use any bathroom they want in his buildings.

Then, he starting tailoring his rhetoric to the right wing base. We saw hints of that before he ran with the whole birther thing, but once he saw and felt how amazingly well it worked with a large portion of Republicans he ramped it up. The Evangelicals who love him believe he is a religious man hook line and sinker and it is amazing to me, although maybe not so much. They want to believe that about him, but in my mind he is just a poser on that front and people close to him that no longer deal with him have said the same.

Anything good about Trump is ruined by his willingness to rile up people who are bigots, violent, and unhinged. He most certainly encouraged what happened on Jan 6th.

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