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luigirovatti's avatar

From "Master of Reality" by Mark Fiorentino, I took this piece of text. Do you think it's true?

Asked by luigirovatti (3026points) June 10th, 2021

Mark Fiorentino, to summarize in one sentence, made up a Unified Field Theory via the so-called Super Relativity model. So, without further ado, here it goes:

All particles not just the photon use the Slip Wave Pressure Gradient mechanical system to move themselves through space. This mechanism explains why particles never stop or slow down in free space. In our macroscopic world, large-scale objects need some sort of external force to either pull or push objects. All of these objects obey Newton’s laws of motion. Newton’s laws are not what govern the motion of sub-atomic particle motion. The laws of motion for particles come from a direct interaction between the particles and the space that surrounds the particles. Pressure differences within the structures cause the motion of particles. This mechanical system is necessary to drive the universal engine. The autonomous motion of electrostatic charges forces magnetic fields to emerge as a result of their motion. The motion of particles within space causes both the magnetic and gravitational fields to be formed. It is a common belief that perpetual motion machines are not possible. Despite this common misconception the entire Universe is made up of particles that exist entirely in perpetual motion. The photon is a special particle type and should be classified as an energy type of particle. The photon is an energy particle because it generates no mass.

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