General Question

gondwanalon's avatar

If you were moving and had dead cat pets buried on your property then would you dig up the cat bones to take with you when you moved to a new house?

Asked by gondwanalon (23266points) June 12th, 2021

My wife and I live in a house on a big lot (½ acre). Over the last 28 years 4 of our cats died and I buried them in the back yard. I know exactly where each are buried (Marked each spot).

Our current huge yard requires far more time than I’m willing to give so I’m looking for smaller house and yard with a less labor and time consuming landscaping.

I buried one cat 20 years ago in a wooden box. He (Mr. Spock) was only in the ground for 8 years when I was forced to dig up his grave as it was in the way of construction. His bones are in a small card card box. It’s been sitting on a shelf in the garage for the last 18 years. Mr. Spock is definitely moving to the new house.

Am I creepy and weird for not wanting to leave my other 3 dead cats behind?

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26 Answers

JLoon's avatar

No. I would not.

Is it creepy? Unusual might be a better word.

And it kinda seems like a lot of work with everything else you’re planning. Letting go is a good thing sometimes.

Personally, if anyone wants to venerate my body I’d rather they do it while I’m still alive. But that’s another story…

lastexit's avatar

I don’t think you’re creepy or weird. You obviously loved and cared for your cats very much. Go ahead and take Mr. Spock with you and leave the others behind. They live in your heart and that’s where their spirits, if they’re is such a thing, reside.

Zaku's avatar

I’d probably ask the cats, but I suspect their answer would be to leave their bones there. They knew that land, and I think would check in on me as easily on my new land without their bones being moved, and they’ve long since probably become not so attached to that lifetime or their bones.

Moreover, it’s normal and natural to leave their bones where they are and move on.

I’d only move them if I had a strong impulse to do otherwise… and I’d probably confer with someone first about it if I did, suspecting the impulse might point to something else.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I would leave them to rest in peace, you wouldn’t dig up Grandma just because you’re moving out of state would you?

JLeslie's avatar

It’s not weird to me. I’d probably leave them to rest though. It’s a tough situation. Maybe because the graves aren’t marked it makes it harder? I assume they aren’t marked. I know people who cremate their pets to have the pet with them, so you are not alone in wanting to feel pets who have past away are still physically near them in some way.

rebbel's avatar

“I know exactly where each are buried (Marked each spot).”

One of my cats (dead) is buried in my parents’ garden.
If they ever move, or the house was to be rented out to others, after my parents had died, or moved to an old peoples home, I would leave Pinniemaster in peace, in the ground.
After all, it’s just his bones there; his being, his soul, is in kitty heaven, and in my heart.
Like others have said also, most people would also not take their family members with them if they’d move residence.

flutherother's avatar

I wouldn’t do it, but it is a personal choice. I would take the memories and the photographs and leave the bones.

JLeslie's avatar

@rebbel If they sell the house I doubt it will stay marked, depending on how it is marked.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I suppose it must depend on what you expect to happen to your yard If your cats are deep enough, why not follow the standard directive rest in peace. I suspect that even for the dead there’s no place like home.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I would leave them. We don’t dig up our buried ancestors when we move to a different city.

Around 60 years ago, when I was a kid, I had a pet hamster. When he died I wrapped him in a small rag and put him in a tightly sealed, glass Kretschmer wheat germ jar. I buried the jar between two shrubs along our backyard fence.
The jar is probably still there.
That thought just made me smile! Thanks!

cheebdragon's avatar

Some things can’t be unseen, it’s probably best to just leave them where they rest.

gondwanalon's avatar

Thanks for all the thoughtful and kind responses.
I think that I’ll just let them go. They’re gone anyway. But I suppose that I should best remove their grave makers.

smudges's avatar

Awww…love the marker, and the sentiment. If they were mine, I’d let them stay ‘home’, where they explored and had adventures. <3

ragingloli's avatar

Messing with the remains of dead pets is a great way to get cursed.
Just look at what happened to Hanekawa.

chyna's avatar

Beautiful marker. I think I would leave it.
I am fortunate enough to have a pet cemetery within 5 miles of my house. I have buried 2 of my dogs there. I lost my last dog recently and had her cremated. I have her ashes in my bookshelf.

JLeslie's avatar

The new owner won’t know those are grave markers necessarily unless it says a death date. You could ask if they want the marker left behind or removed. Would you want to bring the markers to your new house? A cat lover might want the kitty statues to stay.

I guess maybe some people wouldn’t like to know the cats are buried there?

lastexit's avatar

@gondwanalon that’s a wonderful marker!

Poseidon's avatar

As far as I’m concerned it is like digging up a member of the family because that is what the cat was.
There is no way I would disturb its final resting place and I can’t envisage anyone doing this.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I agree with @JLeslie . The new owner might find it creepy and want to use the spot for something else. Maybe you can take the marker with you and let that be a remembrance.

A side story. A friend of mine bought an ~80 acre farm. Toward the edge of one of the fields is a horse cemetery that the previous owner put in. I estimate it to be 15 ft by 30 ft outlined in rocks. My friend has to plow around it when he is working out there. That is not a small inconvenience.
He decided to plow it under after the previous owner (in his 90s) passes away.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Let sleeping dogs lie.

JLeslie's avatar

To clarify, the new owner doesn’t need to know the cats are buried there. Where I live people have cement fawn as decoration, frogs, all sorts of figurines.

ragingloli's avatar

You could take that sculpture with you, and build a shrine.

janbb's avatar

I would not take them with me. They “live” in your heart not in their bones.

Prince is still in a box on a shelf. I had wanted to bury his ashes when my kids would be home but it never happened and I will throw the box out at some point.

SnipSnip's avatar

No. Leave them where they are. That is how dead things rest in peace. It will be the more healthy option for you as well. Free yourself.

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