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Demosthenes's avatar

How defensive do you get online? How quickly do you feel attacked if someone makes a generalizing statement?

Asked by Demosthenes (15409points) June 16th, 2021

I assure you, this post is not about you. ;)

On another site, I complained about a specific user whose entire shtick is a lame form of meme-humor that I didn’t find funny. But when I posted about this, many other users became defensive and said things like “well I’m sorry not everyone is serious all the time, some people just like have fun!” or “you better block me then because I’m not serious all the time!” and it’s like, well, I wasn’t saying you need to be serious all the time or that fun is bad. I just didn’t find that particularly user funny. It just kind of amazes me the way people get so freaking defensive immediately and assume something is about them when it really isn’t.

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