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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Why if Thursday was named after the god Thor then why is it not called Thor's day?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25198points) June 17th, 2021

Also what other days of the week where named after gods and whatnot?

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10 Answers

cookieman's avatar

It was. The name evolved over time.

PS: Wednesday was originally named after Odin.

Demosthenes's avatar

The name and spelling reflect its Old English origin: Thunresdaeg, derived from the Proto-Germanic god of thunder, Thunraz (ultimately related to the word “thunder”). Over time the /n/ dropped out and “daeg” became the modern “day”. “Thor” is the Norse name for the same god.

Tuesday = Tiwesdaeg (from Tiw, a god of battle)
Wednesday = Wodnesdaeg (from Woden, the English version of Odin)
Friday = Frigedaeg (from Frige, a goddess associated with the Roman goddess Venus)

Saturday “day of [the planet] Saturn”, Sunday “day of the sun”, and Monday “day of the moon” have their origins in classical astrology.

Mimishu1995's avatar

and whatnot?

If you want a calendar that has nothing to do with the ancient deities whatsoever, go look for the French Revolution calendar. The leaders of the revolution were so obsessed with an egalitarian society that they made sure their calendar was devoid of any ancient/religious reference. It was fascinating and creepy at the same time.

SnipSnip's avatar

You are welcome to use that pronunciation.

Inspired_2write's avatar

I think some cultures can’t proniuce the “th”.
Example: French people can say Tor but not Thor.

Dutchess_III's avatar

“Thursday” starts with “th.” @Inspired_2write. So does “Thor.”
Not sure what your point was.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Was replying to you in regards to the pronunciation statement that you answered with.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Still the same answer. They all start with “th.”

sorry's avatar

Modern Scandinavians say ‘Tor’ and not ‘Thor’. For comparison here are the days of the week in Skandi: mandag, tirsdag, onsdag, torsdag, fredag, lordag, sondag. The days of the week are not capitalised. Sondag is named for the sun, mandag is named for the moon, (mÃ¥nen), tirsdag is named for the old god, Tyr, onsdag is, indeed, named for Odin, torsdag is named for the god Tor or Thor as it got used in English, fredag, is named for the mother of the gods, Frigg/Freya and laurdag, or ‘lordag’ is named for what what was done on this day, bathing. The English kept the Roman word for that day, ‘Saturday’. The languages have evolved a great deal over the centuries. If you want to hear something close to what the ancient Norse spoke, you’d want to go to the Shetlands and Orkneys and listen to some Norn or to the Faroe Islands and hear some Faroese. If you went back to London in the 14th or 15th century, you’d have a very hard time understanding their English. Just pick up a copy of The Canterbury Tales, unabridged, and try to read it. It’s English, but just written a very long time ago. All languages evolve through time. Having said that, the Marvel Universe is not pronouncing things correctly and it makes many a stomach turn.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Thanks for your comments. You reminded me of getting that book one day.Thanks
My older brother mentions Canterbury Tales that he often reads plus other Medieval themed books to study of both words and languages ( Etymology/Semantics)

Found it on Amazon

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