When I first started driving, a gallon of gas, and a pack of smokes were the same price. They stayed like that for quite some time, until an insane tax amount was put on tobacco, supposedly to deter kids from starting. Pffft kids are the ones with money and no concept of financial restraint.
Since then, gas prices have jumped and waned.
Plain stick ball point pens have pretty much remained dirt cheap.
A plain pair of jeans has gone up in the last forty years from $5 to $10 back then, to $30 and up.
A dime bag of marijuana when in a standard ziploc baggie, could be rolled up, and look fatter than a good cigar. Now, a dime is one toke, I mean, there is no such thing. The old amount would now go for three hundred, and even so be only ditchweed.
To get a buzz these days, I would have to give up a month’s groceries! And of course that isn’t feasible, because with a good buzz, extra munchies are needed, not less. Fortunately I’m old and disabled, so now my doctor hooks me up with legal stuff. :-D
A shot used to be a buck, last I heard it was seven.
Twenty years ago, you could go out Fourth Street in Reno and get a bj for $10. I think they are $15 now. That isn’t much of an increase.
Half a century ago, water was free, because we got it from a well down to a spring on our property. Now it is a dollar a gallon, or two dollars a litre, depending on whether you want to carry it around with you.
Normal sized candy bars went from a nickel to a dime during my childhood. Now they are a dollar.