Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Guys...what would you have done if a girl walked into the locker room when you were changing?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) June 21st, 2021

As asked.

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16 Answers

bob_'s avatar

Accidentally? On purpose? Am I naked?

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Grab a towel and cover up my junk. Sure not going to pull that, “Hey lady look” pervert shit. No one but my woman looks at my junk. Accidental though it might be.

nightwolf5's avatar

Turn the other way. This happened once at our public pool when I was changing in the locker room, but it was a total accident from the lady. She walked into the wrong one, said she was sorry and embarrassingly walked out. There were even guys using the open showers. Not much I could do about it, but maybe tell management that they have better watch. Might be uncomfortable for a minute.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I’m not sure. The one time it happened, I was followed. I turned away instinctively as she gave me a piece of her angry mind. I couldn’t hear a word of it for the hoots and jeers of others in the room.

kritiper's avatar

I would have stood there a moment in shock and awe, then blurted out that she was in the wrong place.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@kritiper… you wouldn’t have instinctively tried to hide yourself?

kritiper's avatar

@Dutchess_III With all those other guys standing around doing the same thing?? She probably would duck back out before I could cover up. If she’s going to stand there and gawk, I’ll let her get an eyeful.

Aaaaaaand…......... sometimes people see you naked. I’m not THAT shy…

Caravanfan's avatar

I would say hi if I knew her and ignore her if I didn’t

gorillapaws's avatar

I’d try to politely explain that she’s in the wrong locker room, the way I’d let her know if her fly was unzipped. She’s going to be embarrassed, so I’d try to reassure her that it’s no big deal, and maybe even have a friendly laugh about it depending on if I thought it would make her feel better.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I don’t even like changing in front of other guys. So I would be in a stall behind a curtain, and wouldn’t notice. If she had a camera then I would take it to the police/dean.

zenvelo's avatar

I would have said, “hey @Dutchess_III this is no way to get a date!”

Actually, I would have turned my back to her and bushed crimson.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Never happened – where I went to High School, the boy’s gym and pool was on the north side of the building and the girl’s gym and pool was on the south side – totally opposite parts of the school.

A person would have really had to make a point of it to go to the wrong one.

TJFKAJ's avatar

Probably laugh.

Dutchess_III's avatar

On a TV show we were watching a dude walked into a girl’s locker room. All the girls screamed in a panic.

Kropotkin's avatar

I’m terribly shallow. It would depend on what I think of the girl walking in.

Though this scenario is total fantasy with no chance of happening, since I never get changed in a locker room anywhere.

seawulf575's avatar

It happened years ago. I was more amused than anything. I figure we are all naked under our clothes so no biggie.

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