What Red Bandit has stolen his way into the Mansion with 30K?
Asked by
janbb (
June 22nd, 2021
Mazel Tov to elbanditoroso for this marvelous achievement (or do we need to “stop the steal?”) However you got here, yay for you!
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19 Answers
Bandito Roso ! !
Great googlie wooglie! WTG! Congo rats on this! Remember, this shows you are appreciated here!
30Kongrats, @ElbowAndTorso! ;-)
On a less frivolous note, please ensure that you aren’t part of the GA 100K voter purge.
Wow 30K! Congratulations! Another party in the mansion to celebrate a very momentous occasion! You deserve the accolades and I’m glad you are a long standing member here.
Congratulations, Bandito!
Woohoo! So many parties this month. Congratulations!
Fantastic achievement! Congratulations, dude!
Here’s to the hardest posting bandit this site will ever see.
Congrats man! Another old long timer rises to the next floor! I’m bringing the band!
30K makes you Fluther royalty! Thank you for being such an important member of our little community.
Congrats, I don’t think we’ve ever fought, now THAT’S an achievement. :D
Wowza! Congrats on the well deserved 30k. Thanks for being here! You brighten my day.
I must tell you something a little embarrassing that demonstrates my attention to detail…
For way longer than I care to admit, I thought your name was “Elbow and torso.” I never could figure it out. Please don’t tell anyone. :-)
30Kongratulations @elbanditoroso Now the furniture is nailed to the floor you are welcome to the mansion.
Holy cannolis!! That is amazing! Fabulous work.
Congratulations and well done! Enjoy the party!
Wow! 30K! Congrats bandito!
Late like always, but congrats anyway.
No more protesting the establishment. Now you are the establishment. Congrats.
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