Social Question

jca2's avatar

Do you think you're an introspective person?

Asked by jca2 (17248points) June 27th, 2021

Do you think you’ve taken an honest look at yourself?

Do you think about your faults and your quirks and what makes you tick? If you’ve been honest with yourself about your issues, have you taken steps to make any changes?

Have you thought about how your life’s journey has changed you, in both good and bad ways?

I’m not asking for details on your thoughts, (unless, of course, you choose to share them) because the details may be very private and personal, I’m just curious if you think you’re introspective. Some people are, some people aren’t.

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9 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Every… Waking… Moment.

I used to analyze every mistake and then hallucinate until the pain goes away. Anti-depressants help and of course lots of time.

Pizza and meat helps, to reduce the emotional pain. As does sleeping under the air conditioning. While hugging my pillows.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Of course Fluthering and talking to my mom helps. Love you all.

janbb's avatar

Yes, I know i am.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Introspective would be rather generous. Self centered is closer to the truth. How’s that for introspection?

Nomore_lockout's avatar

I suppose. I just have to admit to myself that I am all fugged up, always have been. As far as my life path, I’m very lucky to have met my wife when I did. Otherwise I’d be dead or in prison. She straightened me out, and doesn’t hesitate to tell me when I’m full of crap or out of line. I need that.

cookieman's avatar

I have made a real effort to be introspective and better understand myself and my actions since about junior year in college. I haven’t always been great at it. Certainly a work in progress. I think I’m much better at it now, but not at all perfect.

From about age ten to twenty, I was a ball on anxiety and emotion. Didn’t sleep well. Lots of self loathing. Felt like I was in fight or flight mode most of the time. It’s really been an effort to counteract that.

JLoon's avatar


And I’m sure ‘cos I think about myself all the time.

JLeslie's avatar

Yes, I am, but sometimes I need to stop myself because it can be paralyzing as much as it can be a means of growth.

smudges's avatar

Very much so.

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