Social Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

How would you feel if interplanetary visitors came to Earth, visited us, and then said "Too weird for us"?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33765points) June 28th, 2021

…and then left us for other worlds.

Would you be relieved that we don’t need to deal with extraterrestrials?

Or would you be insulted that they thought that humanity was too strange for them to communicate with?

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11 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

Better than if they came here and said: “Oooh, they look so tasty!”

jca2's avatar

I’d be happy. Leave us alone!

KNOWITALL's avatar

I’d be disappointed as they are supposed to be an advanced species who can help us be better.

kritiper's avatar

I’d look them right in the eye(s), smile, and say, “No shit, Sherlock!”

stanleybmanly's avatar

relieved. The sensible decision should probably be that we be exterminated.

filmfann's avatar

Since our broadcast signals go into space, and the could monitor them, it is more likely they would come here and decide we were too boring.
Report: “Despite the advertizing, hardly anyone is a Kardashian!”

JLoon's avatar

Obviously it would prove their superior intelligence – But I still wanna be abducted… o_0

LuckyGuy's avatar

I’d be disappointed. I have so many questions.
How they power their crafts?
How do you travel faster than light?
If there is a wormhole, where is it?
Can you grow me a prostate?
Should I buy GM stock?

stanleybmanly's avatar

Would you put that sort of technology in the hands of 7 billion hostile and belligerent monkeys? Personally, I don’t believe that it’s any coincidence that when all that nuclear testing was a fad, UFO sightings shot through the roof. I don’t doubt for a second that we are being watched, and the watchers most likely are doing what I expect we would do. There’s a continent sized zoo on some planet just stocked with earth stuff and creatures. Meanwhile, our watchers gaze at us —the sentient creatures, gifted with intellect, yet driven by emotionally murderous and primitive lizard hind brains. Would you allow such a species to attain the ability to spread through YOUR galaxy?

rebbel's avatar

I would feel alienated.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@rebbel you should be ashamed of yourself for that awful pun

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